Part 9 - PrepFor Test #B1

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Hii! I'm really sorry, nothing against B-Troupe but I am not interested in their life as much as A-Troupe so writing Part 9 and Part 10 kind of exhausting for me. That is why writing those part took me a while, so I think the next part will be the last time I'll write about B-Troupe (detailed storyline) unless it has any relevance into A-Troupe.

It's the next day and while A-Troupe is waiting for their test in the music room, B-Troupe is having their PrepFor Test in Studio 1.

"Hello hello hello!" greeted a tall skinny boy with black glasses walking into Studio 1.

"Hey hey, this is a closed practice, you can't waltz in here" said Cleo to the boy.

"Of course I can" replied the boy smiling.

"Who even are you?" asked Marcus impolitely.

"That guy" said the boy pointing at a picture of him in the Wall of Our Steps, which is a wall across Studio 1 and beside Studio A's door that shows pictures of every competitions that The Next Step has won, from school competitions to Internationals.

The picture the boy's pointing at is picture of mini-him as a magician, along with Becca, Richelle, Giselle, Amanda, and Thalia holding a second place trophy.

"Second place?" asked Ethan. "I don't know about you, but I won't be that proud if I get second place in a competition."

"No, I actually got placed in seventh" replied the boy. He chuckled, "But it was my first big competition, and where I had my first ever crush."

He smiled and starts staring at B-Troupe awkwardly. "...your name?" asked Cleo breaking the awkwardness.

"Yeah right, Hi, I'm Josh, I'm an ex-dancer, my mom own the Nakatomi Dance Studio which is also my first dance studio I joined, I used to dance at The Next Step for a few years, then I moved to Elite when they beat The Next Step at Regionals, I had a knee injury while preparing for Nationals and I quit dance. Now I co-own Nakatomi Dance Studio with my mom while also preparing for college. Any questions?" explained Josh in one breath.

"Why are you here?" asked Izzy.

"Oh, I'm your coach." answered Josh briefly smiling.

Josh's POV
After explaining everything there is to know about the mechanism of the PrepFor Test, I told B-Troupe to continue doing warm ups while I head to Java Junction- uh I meant The Next Steep. God I've missed this place.

The second I walked into The Next Steep, I bumped into a girl my age, making her spills the juice she was holding all over me.
"I'm really sorry, don't be mad" she said panicking while repeatedly rubbing my shirt.

"No no, it's fine I brought a spare" I said. This girl's face is very familiar, and pretty. "You go here?" I asked.

"Used to" she answered still rubbing my shirt, "I quit dancing competitively a few months back."

"Stop you're not making any difference" I said laughing while holding her hands telling her to stop.

She scoffed then she lift up her head,
"Josh, is that you?" asked the girl shocked. "Do you remember me?"

"Becca?" I asked excitedly.

"No, stupid. I'm Gabi!" she said pushing my shoulder lightly.

What are the chances for me to meet my old friend? Especially when she used to be my best friend.

"How are you doing, dummy?" she asked.

"I'm great! I work with my mom in her studio now. What about you?" I asked her back.

"I'm great, too. Becca and I are helping Emily and Michelle with their new tour company, and I am the vice leader of the marketing team." she said. "So what are you doing here?"

"If you work with Emily then you probably already know, especially when you're part of the marketing team." I teased.

"Vice leader" corrected Gabi pointing her finger in front of me. "And yeah, I've heard some tittle tattles. Did you know that-"

"Gabi, we have to go!" shouted a short girl from the hallway.

"That's Becca?" I asked waving my hand at her and Becca waved back.

"Yeah, worst boss ever." she said rolling her eyes.

"She's the leader? No way" I said.

"Shut up. I'll text you" she said walking backwards out of The Next Steep.

I'm so happy to finally get to meet her for the first time in- what? 3 years?

I walked towards the counter and ordered myself a mango smoothie and a muffin. I checked the time on my phone and it shows 2:54 pm. I put my phone back into my pocket but then I saw Noah just walked into The Next Steep.

"Hey, Noah! It's me, Josh!" I said loudly.

"Josh! It's been so long" he greeted me back somehow nervously. "How have u been?"

"Never better. By the way, I saw your performance on Broadway, pretty dope dude!" I complimented him.

"Thanks bro, means a lot! So uh-" replied Noah.

"What are you doing here?" we asked at the same time.

"Coaching" we said at the same time again.

"A-Troupe?" I asked him.

"Yeah,  B-Troupe?" he asked me.

"Yeah. I guess I better coach my best to beat you" I said.

"May the best troupe wins, bro." he asked putting his right hand in front of me. I reached for his hand and we shake hands.


3rd person POV
"Gather up!" yelled Josh as he entered Studio 1. "Like I said before, I'm just helping you to prepare for the test tomorrow, and it's all about connection."

"What's the test?" asked Maya.

"Can't say, but nothing a talk can't handle." answered Josh. "So let's just start right away, Pete, isn't it? Have you experienced any near-death experience?"

"Yeah, I almost drowned a couple times and when I was 9 my house burned down and I barely made it out of the house." answered Pete smiling proudly

"Ooh, deep and dark" said Grace swaying her hips and accidentally bumped Presley's. "Sorry"

"That's okay" said Presley.

"Now, Presley, right? Why don't you tell us your deepest darkest secret."

"There's no way she's telling you anything" said Jude smiling while shaking his head.

"No, no, I'll do it. I know it's not deep or dark, but my whole life I always play mind games to get rid of my so called enemy. So now I'm coming clean," said Presley, then she took a deep breath. "I don't think Cleo deserves to be our dance captain, and I want to take her position."

"oh boy" said Josh to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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