Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen - Cold Hands and Warm Hearts

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Dexter pulled on a thick, padded coat, before reaching into the box filled with random gloves, scarves and hats, seeking accessories that would fit him reasonably well.  There were many styles and colours, a random selection and several had additional stitching due to tears or being a bit worn out when originally found.  Which meant although he could avoid, by just looking, the pink gloves with the tiny fake crystals and sequins, didn't necessarily mean he could avoid wearing a pair with an eyesore acid yellow 'caterpillar' running down one finger.  It was the apocalypse, an era to put down one's pride, but seriously, couldn't Patrick have used black thread instead...?!

Autumn picked out a navy scarf and wrapped it around his neck.  "I've packed some tomato and vegetable curry, so make sure to check that they have sufficient rice on hand," she instructed him.

"Yes, dear," his voice came through the wool slightly muffled. The sound of giggling girls followed a series of light running steps overhead.

"If they need anymore grits or potatoes, make a note of it," she continued after hearing his agreement.

"I know," he tugged down the scarf before placing a kiss upon her brow.

"Don't rush," she reminded him as he picked up the cool box with the three extra meal containers inside.  "The ground is slippery.  Oh, but don't take too long; it's too cold to linger outside."

"Don't worry," he replied.  His eyes were smiling warmly from the shadow of his cap as he waved his hand and opened the door.  The temperature wasn't overly warm inside the large house, just heated by a stove, fireplace and the natural heat of bodies, but it was still several degrees better than outside.  Dexter immediately felt the change despite the numerous layers covering his body.

He trudged outside in heavy boots, glancing upward at a cool blue sky with distant clouds.  Snow was piled up either side of him, but the path itself was quite dry.  Further along he saw Tyler and young Kairo, the former carefully instructing the latter on how to slowly melt and evaporate the layer of snow on the path.  Just relying on turning the snow to water was not enough after all, for that would simply lead to ice and compound his wife's fears.

Tyler had already levelled, but Dexter wasn't yet sure what that would mean in terms on his abilities.  He had noticed, though, that he wasn't as bothered by the weather as the rest of them and was dressed lightly in comparison.  Just a jumper and a raincoat while he shuffled around like a ball with tiny limbs. 

Ren Zexian had mentioned that young Kairo was learning a different method of cultivation, some 'Droplet of Spring water falling into a Mirrored Lake,' thing.  He didn't get it why it had such a long title, but he was told that while Tyler's cultivation leaned toward the making an manipulation of the element in its frozen form, Kairo's was more versatile and also be considered less combative.  Not to say that it wouldn't be useful in situations when the boy might later have to fight, just that there was a great many more things he should be able to do.  The techniques of purifying water, for example, would come much more easily to Kairo as would a whole plethora of other water based techniques.

What Dexter was not aware of was that there was a trade off.  In fact it could be said that for every cultivation method that there would be some sort of disadvantage.  Tyler would thrive more in cooler weather, this becoming more noticeable over time, while he would suffer in heat.  This would not become more balanced until he completed the body tempering phase, at which time he'd be at ease in most conditions.  Kairo's cultivation method was slower in terms of initial results, plus it required a temperament that was calm, patient and enduring.  However, Kairo was young and his inner sea abundant even if his meridians were not as naturally strong as Tyler's, thus Ren Zexian felt the method was far the most suitable to the child.

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