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usually i would've tried to make this look pretty and stylish, but here's another era, so no need for that :)

also i've been experimenting with different styles so let's try this minimalistic one, shall we?


in which : 5 royals and 5 peasants are students at the same school and they are fighting for their kingdom, or maybe not. Maybe someone is trying to dethrone the emperor and his family.


in which : 5 royals and 5 peasants meet at the same school, too young and too innocent to know about the horrors they'll have to commit in order to be respected, have a decent life or make their families proud. That's until the opposition starts to attack and send war declarations, turning the empire into chaos. Two sides have formed: The Sinners - represented by thieves, scribes and tribes and The Crowns - represented by the warriors, military, royals and rich people. While the navy is taking the Crowns' side, the freelances and merchants are taking the Sinners', the teachers, musicians, painters and regular people are impartial or secretly supporting a side. 

The Clash will come.

The Sinners and The Crowns - apply-ficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang