Part 1

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"Why is he like this?" Ginny huffed under her breath as she stared at the large crowd that surrounded Harry.

"You realize you are talking out loud, right?" Luna replied, "You and I both know he will never change. He is and forever will be the Boy Who Lived."

"But does that mean he has to act like a big shot?" Ginny asks as Luna shrugs her shoulders. "Okay, yeah don't answer that. I just don't understand why he can be best friends with my brother of all people, but when it comes to me, I'm nothing, but an immature child. Me! Ron can't even share his food, but I'm the immature one. It's exhausting Luna."

"I don't mean to repeat myself for the millionth time, but it needs to be said again. Harry Potter will never see you as more than his brother's younger sister. I'm sorry Gin, but it's true. So you can either sulk on the sidelines as you are silently pining after him, or you can do something about it." Luna explains as she turns to look at Ginny. "You are a badass. You don't deserve to feel like anything less than that. Find someone who doesn;t see you as a lovestruck little girl. Find someone who is head over heels for YOU."

Ginny turns her eyes back to the crowd circling Harry on the train platform. "You're right, I don't need this. Luna, I think this school year is going to be the best one yet."

"Well, that's a tad optimistic Gin." Luna says as she closes her Quibbler. "But, I think it's time for Ginny to be someone's first choice."

"And look over there, Dean Thomas is all by himself." Ginny motions towards him as Luna lets out a soft giggle.

"So new Ginny is starting right now?" Luna questions.

"There's no time like the present. And Harry Stupid Potter what know what hit him." Ginny says invigorated.

"That's not the point I was trying to make." Luna said trailing behind Ginny.

"I know, but I like my idea better." Ginny smirks. 

"And that is?" Luna questions as she speeds up to Ginny's side. 

"Show Harry that I am unattainable, that I am a commodity of some sorts." Ginny whispers to Luna and she approaches Dean. "Dean! How have you been?" Ginny reaches out to touch his arm.

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