Part 3

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"What do you think is happening in there?" Ron asks.

"Happening where, Ron?" Hermione asks hoping the subject would change soon.

"With Ginny!" Ron screams. "The nerve of him. Who does he think he is, sharing a compartment with my sister?"

"Okay, one she is 16. She is allowed to talk to boys, she's even allowed to date them-"

"Date! Who said anything about dating." Ron interrupts Hermione.

"Yes, date. You can not possibly think that Ginny is just never allowed to date or show any interest in boys." Hermione says.

"The only boy she was allowed to show interest in was Harry!" Ron says as Harry eyes widen.

"Why me?" Harry quickly asks in confusion.

"Because you will never show any interest back. It would be as if she never showed any interest in anyone." Ron explains.

"That is just stupid. Ronald, what is wrong with you?" Hermione screams. "Ginny is not a little girl anymore. Which brings me to my second point I had before you interrupted me. Ginny deserves to like someone that might actually like her back."

" I agree with Hermione." Nevillle chimes in as Ron shoots him a death glare.
"Neville, you're not even apart of this conversation." Ron says

"But I know what it's like to like someone who will never feel the same way for me." Neville pleads.

"For God's sake, Neville just tell Luna you like her. She doesn't know, this is not the same situation as Ginny and Harry!" Hermione groans.

"For the record there is no Ginny and Harry situation." Harry says as everyone in the compartment turns to look at him.

"Not now." Ron says, "She has put her sights on Dean. Dean isn;t like you Harry, he doesn't get any girl he wants. So if she shows him some attention, he will do something about it."

"We don't know that." Harry argues turning to Hermione.

"Yeah we do." She says as they sit in silence for the rest of the ride to the castle.


"I forgot how much Ron is in your business." Dean says to Ginny as Luna nods and lets out a laugh.
"It will be even more now." Luna slips out as Dean's eyes grow wide.

"Because I'm 16, not because of anything else. Right, Luna?" Ginny sternly asks, hoping her friend will agree with her.

"Oh yes of course. 16. That's exactly why." Luna says as she turns her head towards the window. "That was quite awkward though, wasn't it?"

"You could say that." Dean says as he lets out a laugh. "I genuinely thought him and Potter were going to join us."

"Ron was my only concern. Harry wouldn't do that." Ginny says.

"I don't know Gin, I think Hermione saved the train ride for us." Luna says.

"Agreed, to be frank I really didn't want to sit with your brother and Harry." Dean says, "No offense to your brother,but he is way too protective of you. And Harry, well I do not feel like having to compete for your attention."

"There would be no competition. Harry is too cocky and believes that everyone should shower him in attention. I don't want that." Ginny explains as Dean moves closer to her.

"Nor do you deserve that." Dean adds as Ginny releases a quiet laugh and Luna smiles.

The train starts to slow down as it approaches the castle. Dean, Luna, and Ginny get up to exit the train. But before they leave, Ginny steals a quick glance at Harry. Their eyes meet for a split second before Ginny jerks her head back and thinks to herself, "I can do this, I don't need Harry Potter."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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