Part 2

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"Um, hi Ginny, I've been good." Dean smiles back.

"That's good to hear. Luna and I were just wondering if you wanted to ride with us back to Hogwarts?" Ginny asks, batting her eyes.

"Er, yeah sure, of course. I'm surprised you're not sitting with Ron and his gang this time." Dean nodding his head towards the circle of people still surrounding Harry.

"Nope, not this year. Trust me, i'd much rather sit with you than Ron and his friends." Ginny says as she boards the train with Dean and Luna close behind her.

"Glad to hear that." Dean says as Luna rolls her eyes.


"Will you ever give up the charade and maybe, I don't know,  be modest for ONCE in your life Harry?" Hermione begs as the Golden Trio boards the train.

"What on Earth do you mean? Hermione, modesty is my middle name." Harry says with a smirk on his face. "Besides, it's been a while."

"Oi, will the two of ya give it a rest and help me figure out where we should sit?" Ron snaps looking around for an empty compartment.

"Cho Chang's suite looks empty. Should we go offer to sit with her?" Hermione asks sarcastically with a quick laugh.

"You know that isn't funny. She practically hates my guts after what happened last year." Harry says.

"Practically?!" Ron chortles out. "Mate, you chased after her for what seemed like an eternity. Then the second she tells you she's interested you went and snogged Romilda in front of the whole school."

"I had just caught the snitch!" Harry argues.

"So you thought the best idea was to snog someone who wasn't the girl who just declared her love for you?" Ron rebuttals.

"Not one of your finest moments Harry." Hermionie chimes in as Harry nods his head in silent agreement. "Oh would you looky here, there's Romilda Harry! And it seems like she has enough room in her compartment for the three of us." Hermione sarcastically exclaims and Harry whips his head around to give her an annoying glance. "Too soon?" Hermione shrugs.

"No, I don't think so. The bloke had it coming." Ron responds. "The real question is where should we-" Ron stops mid sentence as Harry slams into his back not realizing Ron was going to stop moving. "Ginny? Why are you in here with Dean?"

"Because we're friends." Ginny quickly responds, refusing to look anywhere else except directly at Ron. She could feel Harry and Hermione staring at her in confusion.

"Then why are you touching him?" Ron rudely asks as Ginny quickly removes her hand from Dean's shoulder and moves toward the window.

"This doesn't quite seem like any of our business Ron." Hermione adds, "It looks like the train is about to leave, why don't we go sit with Neville?"

"Hermione, there is more than enough room here for all of us." Ron adds as Harry nods in agreement.

"The rules strictly state that there should be no more than 4 students in a compartment. With the three of them and the three of us, we would be breaking the rules." Hermione argues. "And I don't think you're going to want to sit in here without us, Ron" She pushes the boys forward towards another suite. Ron argues and starts to complain as Harry takes one look behind them to see Ginny placing her hand back on Dean to continue their conversation. Almost as if Harry was never there. 

***Hey guys, I'm back with a brand new story! Please feel free to comment and vote! I hope you all enjoy!***

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