ok y'all let's write down starters info.

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Date: Jan 26, 2021

Weight: 165lb @9:23 am (for all y'all who live in a metric place, that's 74.8 Kg)

for reference before covid i was, like, 112 lb sooo (and wince I'm pretty petite-5'2''-ish

other info:

so what diets are we gonna do?: well, k-pop diets- which is a given. i was thinking we can start w/ the SNSD diet bc that seems like the best to do right now. I'll be doing this diet.

a/n: y'all pls leave a comment if you have anything to add or stuff or if u wanna do this diet with me (do not recommend) 'cause i am  d e p r e s s e d  a f .

Also, if there's anyone there, are weekly updates ok??

luv u.

(lol ngl i have non-diagnosed but VERY clear and apparent binge eating disorder, so we'll see how it goes)

k-pop dieting to lose all my quarantine fat :')Where stories live. Discover now