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Y/N'S HEAD IS POUNDING when she wakes up the following day. Her hand coming to rub her temple as she attempts to soothe the throbbing of her own head, the light just barely seeping through her blinds already feels like too much as she rises up in her bed. Blinking a few times, Y/N's eyes adjust to the light and she sighs, stretching her arms upwards and almost wincing at the sound of her bones cracking.

You'd think that a Pro Hero wouldn't have such issues, and yet.

Coming to a stand, Y/N hisses at the feeling of her cold floor, frowning before she makes her way towards the hallway and rubbing a hand against her eye. She catches a look of herself in the mirror, hair amiss, makeup that she'd applied from the night before still on— and yet her eye bags seem to have grown. If Y/N is honest, she looks and feels like a mess.

That should be a given though, seeing as she couldn't even remember how she'd gotten home last night. Though Y/N was sure the news would detail any screw ups she'd made. Sighing as she grabs the TV remote from the coffee table by her couch and clicks the TV on.

"You're fucking kidding me." She mumbles out when the TV turns on to reveal that she is in fact the headline, alongside Bakugou Katsuki.

Almost on cue, a set of rapid knocks sound against her door and Y/N already knows who it is, again.

It was an accident, Y/N hadn't meant to get blackout drunk at a literal Gala filled with several respectable and admirable peers from the Pro Hero world. And she certainly hadn't meant to speak poorly about one of those peers— well, if she could really call Bakugou that at this point. After all there was a reason she spoke poorly of him.

"He's an— an ill-mannered, rude, insufferable—" Y/N inhaled deeply as she looked to Lorelai, gesturing her hands vividly as she finally said, "bastard!"

Lorelai stands with a hand pressed against her temple, rubbing it gently as though that would end the headache that Y/N had probably caused with her shenanigans. "I warned you." She mumbles out before reaching into her pocket and pulling out her phone as Y/N continues to drone on about the young man.

"I ran into him and I was filled with complete and utter rage. Did I do a few questionable things? Yes. Do I regret them—" Y/N sighs, bringing her hands to her face as the news plays in the background before saying, "I do."

If Y/N was honest, she wasn't remorseful at all, not when it was Bakugou they were talking about. But she was embarrassed, she'd acted out like a child and there was no denying it. As much as she disliked the idea, a public apology was probably necessary and a private one to Bakugou was the least she owed him.

Currently Y/N L/N and Bakugou Katuski were on every headline and front page there were, all because Y/N had elected to get a little too drunk and start talking trash about Bakugou. In the world of Pro Heroes, her word carried a lot of weight, so although it was unprofessional, Y/N had a feeling it was Bakugou's PR team that was panicking right now.

"You're trending." Comes Lorelai's words, a hand coming to scratch the back of her neck awkwardly as she looks back up at Y/N, "I suppose that's good."

Y/N had a feeling the people who shipped her with Bakugou were rather devastated upon finding out that the (non-existent) couple that they idolized yet had zero interaction actually hated one another. "Maybe they'll stop thinking Bakugou and I would ever enter a relationship now."

Raising a brow, Lorelai looks up to her, typing away at her phone without looking at the keyboard as she replies, "actually they're shipping you with Pro Hero Deku. They caught quite a few pictures of you two dancing together last night." Lorelai's eyes returned to her screen, squinting as she mumbled out, "the Bakugou shippers are disappointed, but they're still going strong. Something about... enemies to lovers?"

this is not the end (bakugou katsuki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now