6. permanently

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You wanted to stay in this moment forever until you heard a-


The elevator door opens and you both immediately turn away from each other and walk out not saying a word. You couldn't believe Spencer just did that. Thank god there weren't any cameras in the elevator and if there was you could've easily erased it anyway.

As Spencer opens the glass doors for you like a gentleman he is, He looks into your eyes giving you a smirk. You blush and take a small sip of your coffee.

Spencer walks to his desk, Placing his coffee down. Everyone had already arrived and was sitting at their desk either chatting or finishing up paperwork.

You step on the stairs leading towards Hotch's office.

"You wanted to see me?" You ask, softly knocking on Hotch's door which was half-closed. Hotch looks up from his desk and gestures his hand for you to sit down.

"Please close the door"

"As you know in 1 week Garcia will be back from maternity leave. The board has been impressed with your work and commitment to the team so I spoke with them and they have agreed for you to permanently work for the bau as a technical analyst."

"Oh wow, Thank you so much sir" You said excitedly.

"No problem but the thing is we don't need two tech analysts for one team unless it's a big case so you'll be placed with a different set of agents to work with"

"Okay, Thank you again, sir" You smile and get up from your seat.

"Before you leave, Here is the paperwork for you to fill out to make it official" Hotch says handing you multiple files to fill out.

You nod and take the paperwork he set for you on his desk and walk out of his office. You then walk to the briefing room to present the case. You see Rossi, Spencer, and JJ already sitting down waiting for the rest of the team.

"Good Morning y/n" JJ says smiling at you

"Morning" You set the files on the table and turn on the monitor.

You glance at Spencer who was already eyeing you.

"Everything okay?" Rossi asks

"Yeah, why?" You question

"I noticed you and Hotch behind close doors" Rossi whispers

"Oh it-" As you were about to explain, Hotch walks in, and behind him was Morgan and Emily who were finishing the last bit of their conversation.

"Everything is great" Hotch says, Taking a seat.

You nod and hand everyone the case file and begin presenting.

After Hotch says "Wheels up" Since the case was a child abduction, There wasn't much time. Everyone gets up and walks out of the conference room except Spencer.

There was nothing but silence until Spencer speaks up first. He seemed a bit nervous and embarrassed. Probably on what happened in the elevator.

"Listen y/n, I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to- Especially since we're at work and it's unprofessional. Since the night at the bar, I've had these, Um. Thoughts about yo-"

"Spence, You coming?" JJ says, Walking in the conference room with her go-bag in her hand.

"Yeah I'll be right there" Spencer replies

JJ nods and walks out.

"It's okay. We can talk about this when you're back."

"Okay... I'll call you" Spencer gets up from his seat and walks out of the conference room.

Was he about to say what you think he was about to say? That he likes you? or was he gonna talk about the kiss from the other night? You thought to yourself.

You fill out some of the paperwork then walk to Garcia's bat cave and video call the team that were already on the jet. You update them on the latest information about the case and Hotch gives orders for you to find out about.

2 days later...

The case had just finished up and they caught the unsub in action. He was abducting young girls between the ages of 8-13 that had similar physical appearances and keeping them hostage.

Your phone started buzzing.

Spencer Reid.

You had talked to him but only about the case. You grab your phone that was sitting on the desk and click the green button.

Spencer: "Hey y/n"

You: "Hey Spence"

Spencer: "Sorry I hadn't call you.

You: "Oh you don't have to apologize"

You heard background noises. Sounded like the team was playing cards on the jet.

Spencer: "They're showing 'Solaris' tonight, The original in the theatres. You want to go?"

You paused.

You: "Wait Spencer, Are you asking me out on a date?"

The only thing you and Spencer really did outside of work was just hang out at the park or a coffee shop in the mornings so this was new.

Spencer: Uh- Yeah. I am.

You paused again.

You: Then yes. I would love to go. Also, isn't 'Solaris' like four hours long?"

Spencer: "It's five, The best sci-fi meditation film of all time. But for some reason, they never really show it in the theatres."

You couldn't help but smile. The thought of you and Spencer going on a date made you very nervous, Yes. But you were also excited. Even though you didn't expect to be involved with anyone right now. You really did like Spencer.

You: "Can't wait"

Spencer: "Also can you not tell anyone on the team about this? It's just I don't want to make a big deal out of it.." Spencer whispers into the phone.

You didn't mind not telling the team about it. In fact, you liked the idea. You agreed and said your 'see you later' and hung up the phone.

You walk to Hotch's office and place the filled-out paperwork on his desk. You still haven't told anyone that you'll be permanently working for the bau until it was official. But now you can.

You drive back to your apartment, Thinking about seeing Spencer tonight. It gave you butterflies and you wanted to be his.


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