|<[({Chapter five})]>|

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Embers p.o.v

I huffed through my nose impatiently as I waited for some news about our current situation, "hey Ember" I heard behind me and turned quickly to see Crystal gazing up sheepishly at me, "listen I've been watching and honestly I think you should relax a bit" she said slowly, carefully considering each word.

"And why is that" I asked and she thought for a moment, "well, uh, I know you really well, and usually you can relax and be fun and stuff but still be a great at dealing with, y'know, stuff kinda like this" she explained gesturing around her, "so I was thinking, maybe if you stopped fussing you could maybe help find a way to get us home, you can be really smart when it comes to stuff like this" she finished, looking up at me, probably expecting me to over-react or something.

I took a deep breathe and smiled down at Crystal, "thanks Cris, I needed that" I told her and she beamed, before trotting off, visibly proud of herself.

I walked over to the door and took a breathe before knocking lightly on the thin door, it opened and my eyes widened and the sight of a giant rat, seriously he was nearly three or four times my size. I took a step back, opened mouthed in shock but then relaxed, 'Crystal's right' I told myself, 'I'll be of no use to anypony if I start panicking'.

I took another breathe and then stepped forward again, "hello sir" I said as politely as I could, "I'm Ember Heart" I introduced myself and he smiled down at me kindly, "it is nice to meet you Miss Heart, I am Hamato Yoshi but you may call me Splinter" he responded and I nodded, my nerves evaporating slightly.

I looked over my shoulder to see if the others were joining us, I called over my shoulder and gestured for them to come over. Lucky bounced over, Crystal never removed her eyes from her book as she walked carefully over and Fluttershy, well Fluttershy fluttered over my means of her wings.

They all stood up beside me and looked up at the giant figure, I turned to them, "this is Splinter" I said glancing over at him to make sure he approved of me calling him that, when I didn't a response I presumed it was fine, "now introduce yourselfs and be polite" I then said sternly and then turned back to Splinter.

"Eh Hello Splinter, I'm Lucky Charm" the mint green pony said happily. Crystal closed her book and put it back in her saddle bag, "Hi Splinter, I'm Crystal Dazzle" the electric blue pony said brightly and I nearly face-hoofed. Fluttershy stepped forward hesitantly and then looked back at me as if for guidance, Splinter must have seen she was nervous, "and what is your name" he asked kindly and she looked back up at him and then hid her face in her mane, "Fluttershy" she whispered and Splinter nodded apparently hearing the tiny voice of the small yellow pony.

He turned to Leonardo, who looked around not meeting his 'senseis' gaze, "Leonardo, where did you find these ponies" he asked and Leo looked slightly at a loss for words, "well, uh, we kinda, um..." he stuttered and I rolled my eyes and stepped forward, "we're not from this world sir, or at least I really doubt it, we came from a place known as equestria, populated by ponies like us, through a portal set of by a star which SOMEONE just HAD to tamper with" I said looking straight at Crystal who smiled guiltily, I sighed and turned back to him.

"Anyway when we got here we were ambushed by a giant fish and dog I guess" I said getting back on track, Splinter remained impassive the entire time, "we escaped when, well, Fluttershy saved us, turns out the turtles had seen the fight but didn't jump in because.... well probably because Fluttershy had it covered" I explained shrugging, Splinter glanced, an eyebrow raised, at Fluttershy who was currently cowering behind me, embarrassed and overwhelmed.

Splinter nodded, "thank you Miss Heart, I think I can guess how it went from there" he said and I gave a half smile, "well, eh, ok, what exactly are we gonna do now" Fluttershy whispered to me and I thought for a moment.

I turned to Crystal, "how close are you to finding that spell" I asked and she shrugged, "I honestly can't be sure, I've never done a spell like this before" she said anxiously and I nodded. I didn't realise Splinter was now beside me, "excuse me Miss Heart, but may I make a suggestion" he asked and I jumped before recollecting myself and agreed.

"Donatello, Leonardo, take Miss Dazzle and Miss Ember to the lab and see if you can find anything, Miss Charm, Michelangelo, I see you were quite enjoying yourself and I can understand how this is a difficult time for you so I will let you have your fun" he said with a kind smile, Mikey and Lucky ran off as fast as there legs could carry them, Splinter chuckled before turning to Fluttershy.

"Miss Fluttershy, would you please join me in the dojo, I would like to have a word with you" he asked Fluttershy looked at me, I gave her a encouraging look, she gazed back at Splinter, "o-ok" she stuttered and he opened the door for her, she crept into the dojo as I followed the others to the lab. 'I hope everything's ok' I thought before closing the door to the lab behind me.
So well sorry about the inactivity and short chapter and stuff but unfortunately every teacher in our entire school has a mutual love of giving tests >:/

But at least we're back on track :)

Any who to those who have bared with me, Thanks SO much for sticking with the story. Ilyg <3

Thanks for reading


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