Chapter 9

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I'm getting used to the students greetings everytime i walk going to my room I casually smile at them for a respond. I opened my locker and saw the handkerchief own by mina. Timing that she's going to her room when i saw her.

"Uhm.. Hi mina." I tap her back, she turn around to face me.

"Oh hi lisa, good morning." She smile, i hand her handkerchief

"Thank you for this, I'm giving it back, also it already wash so there's no blood anymore hehe." She took it and i chuckle rubbing the back of my head.

"You don't have to actually" Mina told me

"I told you i owe you one uhm.. How about lunch with me later. My treat.?" I asks.

"S-sure lisa." Her cheeks turns pink.

"See you later then." I smile at her


Hours passed

"We're going to have an activity, I want all of you to show your talent and also boost your self confidence, you will have a partner and decide what to perform. Communication is important so goodluck, you will perform this on friday." Our teacher said.


I don't like this kind of stuff


Our teacher start to give our partner i was busy drawing an eye at the back of my book then i heard my name

"Lisa your partner is Jennie, next seulgi and irene" our teacher continue

I look at jennie and smile at her, i point my finger at me and to her then make a finger heart, she rolls her eyes as she stand up because the ring bell sign for lunch break.

"Yah lisa, the destiny really playing at you. Your partner is Jennie HAHAHA" seulgi said as we walk going to canteen

"I know, but I don't care. Oh i forgot to tell you that I will not have lunch with you."

"What why? You're with someone?" She asks

"Yeah. It's mina.. it's just a thank you lunch for what she did at our P.E last week."

"Ok ok.. you're having a date eh?"

"What!? It's not a date seulgi don't make an issue."

"Sure manoban." She laugh not believing to what i said.

I go to mina's room to get her. I peek at their door then i saw her closing her notebook. I think she notice my presence so she look at the door, i wave my hand and she smile, she runs towards me and clung her arm to mine.

We walk and enter the cafeteria students look at us and start to whisper.

"Hey mina, what do you want to eat?" I asks looking at the menu

"I don't know, you decide." shyly reply

"Ok then, find us a table and I'll get our food." I said

"Ok." Mina smile and remove her hand.

I'm getting our food when i turn my head to my right and saw nayeon.

"Are you two dating?"


"Are you two dating?" She asked straight forward

"No.. why?" I answer her confuse

"Ah.. cuz all of students topic here is about you and that girl." She look at the students, then i caught them looking at me

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