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Sunday is spent well and I'm really tired a lot. I want to sleep right now and I need to go early to office or the boss will kill me. I got fresh up and did my night routine when my phone ring. I see the name and it was my best friend Ellen. I got so excited to talk to her. After my transfer to seoul I can barely get time to talk to her. I quickly grab the phone and said "Hello My Pretty women"

Ellen shouted with excitement "Hello Y/N. How are you? I missed you so much! Where have been you so long? Why did not you called me Y/N ? "

I was like "stop.. stop... wait. I'm good, you know after my promotion I barely get time to call anyone. I missed you more than anyone else okay my little girl."

Ellen laughed and said "okay that's cool. By the way, you know one thing? Your little girl is no more a girl she is going to be a wife soon."

I got shocked "OMG! What ? Why ? With whom? Wife?"

Ellen then start "you know that its Kriss. The boy whom you introduced to me. And then we started dating and now we make the decision to tie the knot. "

I replied "awwee.. that's so sweet my baby. Then when you are going to do the wedding. Don't you invite me you bitch"

Ellen laughed and said "how can I not invite my bestie. Btw my wedding is on 19 February and it's a destination wedding afterall. And not the least you are coming tomorrow only. okay! "

I shocked and said "what ? Tomorrow? It's still 18 days left bro. What will I do came so early . And a destination wedding? Your richy ass can never thinks anything small ."

Ellen said "don't be so rude Y/N okay! We promised each other that on our wedding we are going to invite each other before 15 days. And also my wedding is going to be held at Maldives. And I'm sending you airplane ticket do came here as soon as possible girl."

I replied "but Ellen. It's so early and I need to leave from my office also".

Ellen "you so bad. Can't you came here for your bestie. And also my cousin will be there too. And you can find someone to goosip and to date also. Afterall your love life will still be so boring ".

I concluded "okay then I'm coming. But I'm well with my love life someone will be there for me also to take my hands ."

Ellen "so, came tomorrow afternoon. Byee. Good night my bestie".

I greeted her "Good night, you future wife".

I give a sigh of relief and cut the phone. Then I realized how my little bestie is getting marriage so early and I get a little emotional. But the main thing is that nothing is actually ready. Like I need to go shopping and also need pack. I got messaged.

Name :Y/N L/N , Age : 22 , Maldives Airplane tickets ,Date:Tomorrow Departure: 3:00 p.m. from seoul, korea.

Actually I got the airplane tickets. I saw the time and it was only 07:00 pm . Though I'm a little bit tired, I wear my trousers and go for shopping after all it's my bestfriend wedding. I need to look great. I go to the mall and started to shop. There are many beautiful dresses. I bought a few more dresses as I need to stay 20 days after all. And as it is Maldives I bought myself some bikinis and undergarments which is looking so sexy. After quite a few shopping I came at my home. It was 11:00 and I have no appetite. I pack my dresses in my two big suit cases. Finally packing done and I'm going to sleep . I need to go office early for my leave holidays from there I will go to airport.

[ Early Morning ]

I packed other essentials things then go to my office. My boss is a pervert he intentionally flirt with me every time so, I try to ignore him. I go inside of my boss room.

He looked up into me and said "look who is in my room today Ms. Y/N. How are you Miss?" And smirked.

I give him a straight face and directly state my point "look I need a holiday of 20 days. Please sign on my application."

"What ? What ? 20 days leave ? No way girl."He replied.

I stated "please boss, it's my best friend wedding and I need to go. Please give me leave . It's just for 20 days." And I make a puppy face .

He smirked and said ," girl. But you need to do one thing more me. "

I said "you pervert don't think anything crazy okay. I'm not going to do any thing."

He said "okay okay Miss Y/N. I grant you leave , you sexy. Btw you are looking hot today. " and looked at my thighs.

I was wearing shorts and a comfy crop top due to which my body is bit more revealing. But I need something comfy to wear afterall so, I choose this.

Then I gave him a death glare and said "thanks and see you soon". And leave his office.

I then get my leave certificate and get off to airport. It's good to back to my bestie and excited for her wedding a lot. Though I'm going a bit more early but it's cool afterall. I landed to Maldives.

 I landed to Maldives

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