Chapter 4: Home

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Justin had rushed into his uber at 4:00pm He apologized profusely for being 20 minutes late, and went home.

'My parents are gonna kill me! Why was he so persistent on keeping me in?!'

Instead of being a man and owning up to his mistakes, he blamed it all on Sean. Childish move, but logical on Justins side.

It seemed like the more Justin worried about what happen when he got home, the faster time would go. Once he took notice, he decided to  try and call down. He could just say that it was a..unexpected stay or something similar to that. It couldn't be that bad, right?

It was that bad.

As soon as Justin had gotten to his home,   without any greetings, his mother had immediately scolded him and sent Justin to his room. She didn't even give him the chance to lie.

Luckily, since his mother had done it many times before, she had started to forget to take his phone away. You know, for punishment.

Fortunately, these were one of those times that she had forgotten. So, with nothing else to do, he went under his covers and turned his phone on, blinding him for a while.

He checked out his social media app. However, to his surprise, he had saw no notifications there . He calmed down though once he saw that his notifications were turned off.

Nothing interesting on his other apps.

Once he took this information in, he made the good choice of going to bed. He checked his phone once more for the time.

'12:00 am'

Justin really needed sleep.

When Justin woke up the next da-

Rephrase: When Justin's father had screamed at Justin to get up, Justin was frustrated.

He had slept in his clothes.

It wouldn't really change anything to his schedule, it was just uncomfortable to the boy and he was mad that he forgot to take them off. Although, when he checked his phone for the time once more, he knew why his dad screamed.

Justin had sloppily snatched his school uniform out of his drawer and rushed to the bathroom to change and brush his teeth. No time to take a shower because silly old Justin had forgotten again. And he was rushing.

Justin had almost tripped and fell down the stairs but luckily caught himself.

His father was expecting him to be late, so he thought he shouldn't make too much, as it would be slightly hard to carry.

Two pieces of toast with a small apple juice box that might've been expired had been on the menu for today. Justin quickly grabbed the meal and ran outside.

Since his parents moved so close to the school, Justin would only have to walk 5-10 minutes to get there.

Unfortunately, he only had 2. So Justin had ran like the wind, sometimes bumping into random people who had somewhere else to be.

Once Justin had arrived to the school, drenched in sweat, he had tried to take a deep breath for the first time in a couple of minutes, but soon started sprinting again once he payed attention to the fact that he was basically 15 minutes late.

He had rushed into his homeroom without even noticing that it was he spent half of the class running to get there.

His teacher didn't pay attention to his tardiness, since Justin would do this once every week.

He had to do better.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2021 ⏰

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