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"Y/n wake up!" I heard a faint voice but I was still half asleep so I couldn't really make out who it was. I opened my eyes to see Draco stood over me.

"Draco what the fuck, how did u get in here!" I grabbed my covers and pulled them over me.
Not really what I wanted to wake up to but hey ho.

"Issy let me in, hurry up or you're going to be late for your first lesson" he laughed and walked to the doorway before shutting the door "I'll wait outside, don't be long"

I straightened my hair then put on a white shirt and my house tie, a black pleated skirt with tights and my robe of course. I had to try and keep my dark mark covered at all times, if anyone found out I was a death eater there could be serious trouble.

I grabbed my books and walked to the door and opened it to see Draco leant against the wall outside. He looked me up and down.

"What you looking at, Malfoy" I gave him a dirty look, surely he couldn't expect me to be in a good mood after just waking me up.

"Well then moody, dress to impress is it?" He had his hand on his hip. Who did he think he was. I found it quite amusing to be honest.

"Shut up then"

"Come on then we've got things to do" he walked off.

I followed him to potions class, with Snape obviously.

"Ah Y/n, you can take a seat next to Harry" he faintly smiled trying to hide it. He definitely did that on purpose. I wish people would stop trying to help me, I wanted to do this task by myself.

"Yes professor" it was weird calling my father professor but I kind of just went with it I guess. 

I walked up to the table where Harry was sat and smiled at him.

"Hi I'm Y/n" I sat down.

"Oh hi Y/n I'm Harry" he smiled nervously.

It was half way through the lesson and we'd not spoke any more, it got a bit boring so I decided to start a conversation.

"So Harry" I turned to face him trying to get his attention.

"Yeah?" He had a confused look on his face.

"Obviously I'm new here and I don't have many friends is there anyone you'd say for me to avoid?" I didn't want to ask him to be friends I wanted him to ask me. That way it wouldn't look too forced. 

"Well we have potions 4 times a week so you'll be spending a lot of time with me" he blushed "If you was in any other house I'd say avoid Malfoy but every girl in Slytherin falls at his feet so"

"Oh no I won't be, I don't see the hype" I really didn't, "yeah he's hot fair enough, but he thinks he's better then everyone and I don't like it"
He smiled when I said that.

We talked for the rest of the lesson, think I did a good job with my first impression.

At the end of the lesson I said bye to Harry and got my books together. The room was pretty much empty when I left, so I thought anyways.

Draco came round the corner laughing at me struggling to carry my books.

"What the fuck you laughing at?" I scowled at him, everyone let him push them around and I certainly wasn't going to let him do that with me. I could tell he wasn't used to people standing up to him.

"Pfft and who do you think you are" he leant against the wall.

"Shut up and move" I tried to get past him before loosing my balance and dropping all my books on the floor, falling to my knees.

"Wow Y/n, on your knees already? Thought it would be for Potter not gonna lie" he thought he was so funny, I didn't.

"You seem to like irritating people don't you, Malfoy" I'd had enough, I picked up all my books and nudged past him, "I'm not one to mess with Draco I might look vulnerable but I'm not"

"Got a big mouth and a lot of opinions you do, don't you" he followed after me.

"Fuck sake what do you want now" I just wanted to get away "I don't need your help you know I can do this task by myself"

"Fine then I'll leave you alone"  he said as I stopped and stood to face him, "but don't come crying to me when you realise you need my help" he used his finger to lift my chin up to look at him.

"Trust me, I won't" I swatted his hand away and walked off.

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