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I walked as fast as I could to the great hall, hoping Draco hadn't followed me. My eyes searched the room trying to spot Issy. She was sat with three other Slytherins. I walked up to the table where they were sat and took the seat next to a light-brown haired girl, opposite issy.

"Oh hey y/n, this is Theo, Liz and Pansy by the way" Issy said pointing to each of them. Theo and Liz smiled and me and said hello, while Pansy looked me up and down with a bitter face.

"Yeah I believe I've met Pansy" my eyes narrowed.

"Mhm" she raised her eyebrows, then looked away.

"Anyways how was your first lesson" she continued, trying to defuse the tension.

"It was okay I guess, I got seated next to Harry he's really nice" I played with the bracelet on my wrist, "Malfoy, not so much"

"Oh you've met Draco then" Theo muttered, rolling his eyes.

"Shut up Theo you're best mates with him" Liz snapped.

"Yeah well I know that but his first impressions aren't always the best are they" Theo replied, he wasn't wrong, "He's just really stubborn that's all"

"Yeah you don't say" I sighed, holding my head up with my hand.

"Speak of the devil" Issy raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms.

I turned around and looked up. Draco's tall figure stood over me, again. His face was blank, almost intimidating. He had no facial expression at all. He did look pissed off though.

"What you sulking for" Theo shook his head indicating Draco to sit down, so he did, next to me.
Pansy gave me a cold, hard stare.

"Someone got me angry earlier" his sharp eyes darted at me, "so I ended up wrecking a classroom and I got a detention for it"

"Damn Draco that's hot" Pansy drooled.

Everyone stared at Pansy in shock.

"Leave" he said.

"Erm what?" Pansy tilted her head and raised her eyebrows.

"Pansy fuck off now I'm not in the mood" he cursed, slamming his fist on the table.

She did exactly what he said, she got up and left. Everyone went silent.

"Well I best get going to my next class" Issy hinted for Theo and Liz to go with her.

When they both left it was just left me and Draco at the table, in the whole room in fact. All of the students had got off to there next lesson.

I got my books and started to stand up when a cold hand grabbed my wrist.

"And where do you think you're going y/n" his eyes looked up at me through his eyebrows.

"To my class obviously and you should too" I took his hand off my wrist and got up "you don't want another detention"

"And why would you care" he stood up following me "you got me the first one"

"No I didn't you did that to yourself" I began to wander out the door.

The rest of the day passed pretty quickly and after my last class, defense against the dark arts, I walked back to the common room with Theo and Liz.

Draco was sat reading a book on one of the green sofas with no one other than Pansy. She was running her fingers through his icy hair when she spotted me walking in.

"Oh hi y/n" she licked her lips, her eyes trailing back to Draco.

I stuck my middle finger up at her as I walked to my dorm. Draco didn't even look up once, yet I could tell he knew it was me. He had a smirk on his face the minute I stepped foot in the room.

I was so fed up with Draco already and it had only been a couple of days. My eyes went blurry, filling up with tears. I rushed up the stairs, to my dorm, not even looking where I was going I bumped into a large figure.

"Oh shit" a tall dark man towered over me. He reached out his hand and I took it, him pulling me back up to my feet, "my bad, sorry darling"

I was speechless, he was beautiful.

"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you, I'm Blaise" he gave a trusting smile.

"Oh no it's okay I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going, I'm y/n" I smiled back at him.

"Well nice to meet you y/n" he stared deep into my eyes. His eyes were an amazing chocolate brown colour, they were so shiny.

A gorgeous and respectful Slytherin? Didn't think I'd ever see that coming.

"Nice to meet you too" I smiled at him, "I best get going, I'll see you around"

He smiled back and we walked in opposite directions, I looked back to see if he would but all I saw was a white haired boy with a flushed face, his narrowed eyes glared at me.

As he stepped into the light I realized it was Draco.

"What was that" he said pacing towards me.

I rolled my eyes and continued to walk to my dorm.

I felt a hand wrap around my neck and slam me against my dorm room door.

"Don't fucking ignore me y/n" he scowled.

I slapped him across the face and he released my neck. "I'm not your property Draco"

He was speechless.

"So leave me alone"

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2021 ⏰

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