Scratch- Conrad

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We've been walking for a while, everyone's tired but we've got to keep going. I don't know whether that monkey, ape thing will kill us and I'm terrifie-

"y/n!" Brooks exclaim as I let out a pained yell. Everyone turns to me with their guns up in preparation, but when they spot me on the ground everyone's weapons go down. Conrad walks over to us and asks:

"What's wrong, are you alright?"

"I think so, I've scratched my ankle on that rock," I reply covering the cut with my hand. As I remove my hand so that Brooks could get a look, I noticed a large patch of blood on my palm.

"It'll get infected if we don't get any alcohol in it. Anyone?" Brooks looks up and stares at everyone but Mason, Conrad and the other scientists just shook their heads.

"I wouldn't trust anything natural, you saw the size of that water buffalo, who knows what else this place holds." Conrad says looking up at the sky, "we should get moving, if we find the others we could get to the medical supply." He continues and helps me up. My ankle hurts but I can still walk, so I grab my back and gun and walk alongside Conrad.

----time skip----

We kept walking and the more I walked, the more pain radiated up through my foot. From getting infections from biting the sides of my fingers as a kid, I was used to the pain of infections but after 5 hours of continuous walking I was in great pain, and everyone else was tired.

We wondered upon what looked like to be an eroded and fallen apart monument or building, as Mason was taking photos, she let out a scream and Conrad pushed me back as we were surrounded by people.

"Woah, woah!!"

And that's how we met Hank Marlow. That evening we were all getting prepared in our beds for the night.

"How's your ankle y/n?" Conrad asks sitting next to me. I look down and stare at the bleeding gross cut.

"What's your diagnosis doc?" I answer back jokingly. He laughs back and kneels down next to me holding my ankle. I wince as he holds it and feels around the wound.

"What happened?" Marlow asks as he walks over, "looks bad."

"I fell and cut my ankle; we think it's infected." I explain and his eyes widen a little.

"Oh I've got just the thing!" He leaves and comes back shortly with a small bottle.

"The Iwi make this, it's a healing liquid that hurts like hell but will get rid of that infection by the morning. If you get injured here, it could be very dangerous, so be glad you still have your life." He remarks and for some reason I have a surge of anxiety.

Hank places some of the liquid on a cloth and presses it against my wound. I groan loudly as he pads the fabric around.

"There you go. Well done, not many people have the reaction. You're strong. Be warned though, when you take that off tomorrow morning, it'll be gross." Hank smiles and tries the fabric around my ankle. I reply with my thanks and Conrad sits with my for the rest of the evening before we go to sleep.

The next morning I get up and immediately look at my ankle, the fabric was just as Hank had described gross. I fold it up, trying not to get any of the juices on myself and light a match, burning the fabric. My ankle though, is completely healed.

Conrad gets up next and asks how the cut is and I replied with the happy news.

"Good, I'm glad," he smiles but looks away in awkwardness.

"It's really pretty here, apart from the constant impending doom." I joke and I feel a hand intertwining with mine.

"I think we'll be fine," Conrad replies and I smile up and him taking his hand.

A/N: Ok, first chapter. Only 99 to go!🤣🤣🤣 I think we're off to a good start. Rather short but you know what that doesn't matter. I wanted to get something out today because it is now 1 year since I started writing. I'm just very nervous that this isn't going to be as good as last year. But I hope you did enjoy it.

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