Chapter 3

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I got home but then my dad, had an awkward face I got scared for what he was away to say but he finally came out with it "sooo did you make any friends today" I was expecting something bad but I just said "uhh yeah I met these three girls...Elena Gilbert, Caroline Forbes and Bonnie Bennet" he looked at me with a weird face and finally spoke "oh uh those girls are in my class but maybe they aren't the right people to hang out with" I look at him with confusion does he think I'm dumb! I know what they are I reply to him angrily "how dumb do you think I am I know why those girls are I know what goes on in this town I can't believe this" I storm away and go text them (hey girls meet me at the grill in 15 minutes) I run out the house and meet them there -C-"hey Alicia what was so urgent" you awkwardly sit silent for a second "umm so know how you and Elena are vampires and Bonnie is a witch I need you guy to tell me where he fits into it" the all glance at each other like they are thinking of an excuse but they are honest with me -E- "well he started off some vampire hunter type trying to kill Damon (Elena points to Damon up at the bar sitting with Stefan) for killing his wife but they kinda became friends..." -you-"friends what do you mean" -E-"they are like best friends lol" you don't get a chance to reply to Elena because Damon walks up and interrupts -D-"so who's this gorgeous girl" I blush but then look over at Elena and see she is wayyy jealous but Damon's hot -you-"Alicia Saltzman" his eyes widen -D-"Saltzman like Alaric Saltzman" I just awkwardly laugh and nod but he smirks. As i was away to continue talking to him Elena cuts me off -E-"so Damon...are you ummm" I can see that she is trying to find a reason to talk to him but its funny watching her struggle with reasons to talk to him so me being the kind person I am I help her out -you-"I'm having a party tomorrow since its Friday and she is wondering if your coming" she gives me a death stare even though I just saved her ass -D-"oh yeah I will be there for sure, mind if I invite a few friends" -you-"oh yeah that's fine see you there tomorrow" he walks away and Caroline turns to you -C-"party? since when" -you-"I was trying to help Elena since she was failing at just talking to Damon I mean why cant you just talk to him like a normal person I wouldn't be surprised if he thought you were a freak from mars" bonnie spits out her drink and stars laughing but Elena gives her a look to tell her no. -You- "so will you guys help me set up the party" -C-"ofc!" we leave the grill and head to my house and ask my dad, he says yes because I think he feels weird around me and no shit he hasn't been in my life for years, Me and the girls go up to my room and start planning the party.

Hours go by and they just stay over we lay in bed together laughing and watching tv, it gets really late and we all fall asleep.


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