Chapter 2 - The hostage

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This wasn't part of the plan..

Tommy, Phil, Niki, Tubbo, Ranboo, and Techno gather their belongings, which are Golden Apples, potions, cross bows, axes, swords and their secret weapon

They leave their underground base and start to make the long journey to the dream smp. Through the snow biome, through the nether, across the ocean and finally they make it to the dream smp.

Techno, Niki and Ranboo start going to the back while Tommy, Tubbo and Phil, go in through the front.

Once they reach the back techno speaks to them.

"Niki, go in through the right. Ranboo go in through the left and I'll go in from the middle."

"Goodbye Ranboo and Techno, I'll see you soon!" Says Niki in a sad voice.

"Ugh Niki don't get so sad we will be meeting again in like 20 minutes, we're just here to find Dream." Says Ranboo.

Niki, Ranboo and Technoblade all enter through the back and signal Phil, Tubbo and Tommy to enter.

Tubbo, Tommy and Phil enter, they all freeze when they see Dream, Sapnap and George walking by. Luckily they couldn't see them.

They sneak inside of the smp and start looking for the discs.

"They have to be here somewhere!" Says Tommy in frustration.

"We will find them. That's not the main plan here so it's okay if we don't." Says Phil.

They've been looking for about 20 minutes when Tommy got a message from Technoblade.

"Ranboo, Niki and I were supposed to meet by now, Ranboo is here but Niki isn't"

Tommy shows Phil and Tubbo and they all give each other scared looks.

"Wait there for 5 minutes if she's not there we have to assume she got caught."

Tommy let out a sigh,

"Our plan is already backfiring!" Yells Tommy.

"It's ok she's probably fine."

Tommy gets another message from Technoblade,

"She's been taken hostage, the plan backfired! We have 2 options now, we either - try to save Niki or take someone from their team to use as leverage."

Tommy showed the others,

"She's been taken?!" Says Tubbo.

"We should take someone from their team" says Phil.

"I agree, I'll text him back." Says Tommy.

"We need to take someone of their team, and who better to take then Dream's bestfriend, George."

Tommy sighs and sends the message. Techno messaged him back,

"I like the way you think Tommy. I'll get on it with Ranboo."

Tommy shows the others,

"What do we do now?" Tubbo asks.

"Now we wait for techno's signal for us to help" Phil says.

They continue to look for the disks, and they get a message,

"We got him! Meet us behind the smp!"

"They got him!!" Tommy yells.

They all start to run to the back of the smp and find George in a hole in the ground.

"What now?" Asks Tubbo.

"Now we get our team back by using him as our leverage." Says techno.

"Why can't you just let me go?!" Yells George.

"Because your our leverage" says Ranboo,

They all seemed ready, but Tommy was scared for Niki, he hated the idea of her close to dream.

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