Chapter 4 - The war

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"GO!" Technoblade yells as they all put the last wither skull on.

There was now 6 withers flying around making destruction. Now Tommy and Tubbo started to blow up houses with TNT, and techno told Phil to follow them to make sure they were safe.

Niki started to burn trees down and Ranboo started to burn houses.

Technoblade went to go kill some people.

Little did anyone know, this was a bad decision to stay.

"Hey!! What are you doing to my house?!" Sapnap yelled.

"WERE BLOWING IT UP!!" Tommy says, as Tubbo lights the TNT.

Sapnap runs off, assumably to tell dream but he probably already saw the withers.

Then Niki and Ranboo went to the community house and lighted it on fire, and watched it burn.

Dream found Niki and Ranboo, and tried to kill them. Niki threw a slowness potion at Dream and they ran off.

"This is the last straw. I'm going to go kill someone." Dream said under his voice.

As Dream ran to Tommy's old house he saw it had been blown up. He looked through the ruins of Tommy's old house and saw a chest under a part of the floor that had been broken.

"There's a bow here.. it is amazing.. it could kill someone with full armour.. But it only has one arrow.." Dream said to himself.

Dream grew a smile on his face.

"I know who I'm going to choose to have a domino effect on the whole team... Tubbo"

Dream walked on over to where Phil, Tubbo and Tommy were. He loaded his bow,


Tommy saw the bow and immediately knew what it was. Dream released the arrow pointed at Tubbo.

"NO!!" Tommy yelled,

As he jumped in front of Tubbo, taking the shot that was going to kill him.

TommyInnit was shot by Dream.

"Cannon death.." Phil said.

"TOMMY NOOO!" Tubbo cried,

Tears filled Tubbo's eyes as he realized what just happened.

"That wasn't supposed to happen.." mumbled dream,

So dream ran off. Phil picked up Tommy's body and cried. He needed to break the news to each other. He glanced at where Tubbo was but he was gone.

"That wasn't supposed to happen.." the sound echoed in dreams head.

What could have gone so wrong..?

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