Chapter 13

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Natasha's POV

Two Weeks Later

Silently sitting by myself on the freshly cut grass, I look out into the crowded quad of high school students, just watching how they all associate with one another. I see groups of friends laughing amongst each other, couples kissing, girls gossiping, guys aimlessly flirting with said girls, and I even see my old group of friends. From what I can see, they still seem to be extremely fake and full of negativity. My decision not to stay friends with them is and will always be valid.

Lightly sighing to myself, I turn my attention onto something less stupid and immature looking. So, instead I focus my attention onto the school's weekly newspaper in my lap. Bringing it closer to my face I read over each section, finally getting to this week's quote. It stands out to me... almost as if it were printed just for me. Like a written sign for me.

"Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart." – Eleanor Roosevelt

I reread the interesting quote repeatedly, knowing that the quote is dead true. All the "friends" I once had walked out my entire world. I would question why, but I already know the answer. All because I continued to be friends with a certain someone who has always been my best friend. That certain someone has remained by my side through it all. Justin is in fact a true friend; he has always been a true friend to me. Too bad it only took for me to practically lose him for me to see that.

Grabbing my iPhone from beside me on the grass, I take a quick picture of the quote before placing the newspaper into my binder. With my phone sill in my hand, I check my messages for the twentieth time within minutes. I have been blowing up Justin's phone since we got let out to go to lunch. That was about 15 minutes ago, and we only have a 45-minute lunch. I'm becoming worried that he may be in some type of trouble.

Natasha: Hey... it's me again, where are you??? I thought we said we were going to hang out at lunch. It's been 15 minutes already.

Natasha: Are you okay? Just text me will ya? I'm getting really worried :3

I don't know, I just get terribly worried about him being away from me for too long. I guess you can say I've gotten a bit clingy when it comes to Justin. I mean he's the only person I hang out with and who I talk to nowadays. I guess you can say I feed off of his energy and presence. I'm pretty sure it's the exact same for him too.

Regardless of my clingy ways I just don't want anyone bothering my best friend. I really care about him, and lately all I can think about is us kissing and letting him do really nice feeling things to me down below. Ugh, things that we have yet to do again since two weeks ago. He says it's best if we don't do anything sexual for a while. But once you've had a little sample you want it all the freaking time! I agree with him though, he just doesn't want me to blow a gasket if we kiss or if eats me out again. That's the thing, I won't. I really, really, really want him to do those things to me again.

The sound of laughter snaps me out of thinking about my Justin JuJu doing naughty things to me some more. I see my ex-friends all laughing obnoxiously loud at something Johnny had said. Seeing them ways away from me is the only sense of relief I get. If they're all here in the quad area, then maybe... just maybe Justin just got caught up with his last class. I know he enjoys his ceramics class. So much to the point he doesn't realize the time is all up from concentrating so hard on making his art pieces.

Before I can think about anything else a body plops down beside me, and I am instantly engulfed in the amazingly knowing smell of my best friend. I shyly look up with a bright smile. It doesn't last long once I see him holding a Kleenex to his obvious bleeding nose.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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