Chapter 12

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Justin's POV

The Next Morning

I silently stare at Natasha's peacefully sleeping presence right beside me, not having any idea of what today may bring when she decides to wake up from her slumber. I am well aware of what transpired between the two of us last night. I cannot seem to forget any of it even if I tried. Trust me I have, however those several intimate kisses with one another, paired with me kissing all over her breasts makes it extremely hard for me to disremember.

On top of it all I performed cunnilingus on her for the very first time. My first time giving oral pleasure to a girl. Her first time receiving oral pleasure from a guy. Our first time being that sexually intimate with one another! It's a huge deal! A major deal that may or may not make her feel uncertainly about the entire situation. Crud!

I start to overthink every single thing that involves the two of us in any type of intimate state. From kissing her, touching her, to even tasting her, I unfortunately question those moments of serendipity to be nothing but mistakes. My thoughts of over analyzation go into full gear, which only makes me begin to sweat profusely. I even nervously begin to move my feet like windshield wipers from side to side with a quickness. I get so caught up in my pondering, I hardly feel my body being shaken or the calling of my name by the very reason I am questioning almost everything.

"Justin, will you snap out of it," I hear Tasha's voice, yet I cannot seem to focus enough to respond to her. "Hey, look at me." My face is gently turned around, where she is rubbing at my cheek affectionally all while wearing a worried expression. She even so nicely fixes my glasses into place on my face.

"Are you okay?" She questions so caringly, and I try to answer her, but nothing seems to want to come out. Surely, I must resemble a fish out of water with the opening and closing of my mouth.

"You're scaring me, Justin JuJu," she drops her hand from my face and kicks her legs out of our shared blanket, just to throw one of her legs over my body to straddle me. "Stop this, you're worrying me." She looks down at me, before leaning in and placing a soft peck to my mouth.

That snaps me out of my spaced out state, to the point I'm gasping for breath and pulling her in by her hips. She doesn't jump away from me, or even yell at me to stop holding onto her hips. In fact, she looks at me with that same worried expression, before peppering little kisses along my jawline all while she softly rubs her hands along my sides.

Almost instantly I am sighing in content, feeling at ease and not on the edge of an overthinking breakdown. I go to say something, though a light kiss is placed upon my lips... followed by her blowing raspberries against them, making fart sounds to echo around us.

"Really?" I open my eyes that I just realized I had closed.

"I mean it snapped you out of your funk." She shrugs, giving me a shy smile.

"I guess you're correct." I respond tiredly, looking up at the ceiling. A wave of silence washes over us, and I just know this is the moment she has begun to regret everything that transpired last night.

"You were mumbling weird things. Are you okay?" She pulls my face from its upward position, still staring at me with that worried expression as she awaits my answer.

"Um, yes. I am okay... are you?" I dare to look at her in her eyes. I can always tell by her eyes if she is being truthful or not. The same with her, when it comes to me.

"Of course, I am, Justin JuJu. Why wouldn't I be?" She looks at me confused as can be, just before she adjusts herself on top of me. 

Just like a darn perverted being that it is, my membrum virile becomes erect right underneath Tash. The freaking thing has a mind of its own! I swear to all things living, that it is does! Especially in the presence of my best friend! If I could face palm over and over again I definitely would.

Imperishable (Justin Bieber) *SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now