Chapter 9

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Justin's POV

One month later: April 15th

Quietly helping Mr. McCann bring in the last of the hundreds of balloons into the bedroom without a sound to wake up the Princess from her beauty sleep, I slowly let the ones in my hands float up to the top of the high ceiling with the rest. Mr. McCann gives me a silent thumbs up, with a huge grin plastered on his face, whilst doing a weird dance while he walks out the bedroom... clearly excited by our success we have accomplished this morning. 

Looking at the beautiful human being sleeping so very soundly just a couple of feet away from me, I smile to myself at her appearance. She would definitely not be thrilled about it. Her hair is wildly disheveled and thrown all over her pillow. I could have sworn she put it up in that little hair bun hairstyle she always does for bed, but I guess it came undone during the night. In fact, I am for certain it did... she moved a lot like she always does during the night. It takes for me to literally pull her into my arms and hold her to my body, in order for her to relax. Although, last night that did not work at all, and I kind of sort of went to sleep on her. 

The mere sound of a little gas being released, makes me snap my eyes away from her face, to her shifting her body in her sleep. Oh, just a bit of flatulence, it is quite normal. But then again, Tash would be so very embarrassed about her emitting gas from her anus around me. She should not have to, everyone does it. The thought of her passing a little gas makes me chuckle, especially since it was a little 'poot' sound. Pulling myself together, I look at her once more, before walking out her room and into the hallway. I blow out a quiet breath and lean up against the wall for a quick breather. Unfortunately, I do not get one. I instead get a firm smack on my back and a bag filled with decorations shoved into my chest.

"No time for breaks, Pustin. Come on, boy, stay focused on the task at hand." Mr. McCann thumps my head, before going down the stairs to start decorating the bottom level of his home. "Stop it, Jason!" Mrs. McCann whisper yells, placing a glass of fresh brewed lemonade in my unoccupied hand.

"Thank you, Mrs. McCann." I give her a thankful smile, before taking a long swig of the cold beverage. "It's no problem, sweetie. Go ahead take a break. I know you have been working hard not only this morning, but these past couple of weeks. And I know I've been saying this a lot, but it is sure good to see you around again." She gives me a beautiful, genuine smile, before rolling her eyes and walking back down the stairs to probably scold her loudly cursing husband. I was right.

I chuckle at the sound of Mrs. McCann now scolding Jason for his language, to which he blamed it on him hitting his finger with the hammer. I laugh even louder when I hear him beg for her forgiveness. Mr. and Mrs. McCann sure do know how to make someone laugh. It's clear as day that Jason is totally whipped and is basically Malarie's bitch. She definitely has him on a tight leash. As she should, I hear he is a handful at times.

Shaking my head at the funniness of those two, I now think about what she said about it being good to see me around again. It for certainly does feel good to be around again. I am not only stress free, but I have my best friend back. It's crazy what three weeks can do. Though then again, it is really not that crazy. Natasha and I made up three weeks ago... with two nice pecks to top it all off. She then cut off all those fake no good people she used to call her friends, and the act that made me most happy of all was her breaking up with that disgusting bully, hoodlum, boyfriend of hers. 

She of course felt badly about her actions of not being friends with her "friends" anymore, however I assured her it was for the best. Those people she was hanging around was not the right group for her, they weren't on her level. I am not saying that I am as well, although I am way better than what they will ever be. Or so that is what I think. They are—were nothing but negative, drama seekers, and downright bullies. That right there should have told Tasha what type of people she was surrounding herself with. She probably didn't understand before, but now she does... even more than ever now.

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