Broken souls heal wounds

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A broken soul is volatile. Unstable. Dangerous. Desolate.
   A broken soul isolates itself and refuses help. It drowns in its own wounds, longing for healing but too scared to ask.

What happens when two broken souls colide?

  War. Not a guns and knife war. But an Internal war of the souls.
  A harmonic convergence of independence and reliance. The souls have survived through independence. But they long to be able to rely on another.
  Trial after trial. Error after error. They achieve. They fail. They give. They receive. They fall. They have hard times. They wrong eachother. They unknowingly poke and pry at each other's wounds.
  But they have each other. Another broken half to pick up the shards and tape them together again.
  They are fragile. But okay. They pick each other and themselves up. They push through hard times. They apologize and hopefully forgive.
   Most importantly though they heal each other. They patch each other up. Through soothing words, trust, understanding. Through soft, gentle touches, long conversations about the abyss of a future.
   Trauma. Pain. Life. Broke these souls. But in the end these two broken souls will heal each other. Slowly but surely the wounds will heal and leave mere scars behind as a reminder of strength.


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