Mundane nightmares

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2:31 am, the dim clock on the side table read. The man, clad in deadpool pajama pants, got out of bed. Sparing a glance back at his sleeping wife, she would've seemed peaceful but the dried tears on her cheeks prevented that. He turned away with a sigh, walking down the hall towards the soft whimpers of his son's room.
Opening the door and peering inside he found his young son asleep and whimpering. He frowned, going to kneal beside the boy's bed.
"Shhh, hey hey babyboy it's okay, I'm here", he whispered, gently combing his fingers through the boy's brunette curls.
The young boy's eyes opened. The fear in his watery crystal blue eyes was enough for the father to know what happened.
He picked up his son, bringing him to his chest. "Another bad dream?" , he questioned. Although he knew the answer he waited for a response. The boy nodded, snuggling closer to his father, "Daddy, where's mama?".
"She's asleep", he hummed, rocking the boy. The boy tensed. "Daddy, did the monsters get her? You can't let the monsters get her, daddy you have to protect mama!" the boy cried, innocence laced in his worries.
The fathers eyes widened, this was the first time his son said anything about the contents of his bad dreams.
"Hey hey hey, shhhh mama's okay I promise. She's just asleep, nothing happened to her." , the man soothed. "Did something happen to mama in your dream?". Again the boy nodded, clinging onto his father. "The monsters took mama away a-and they made her hurts really really bad", he sniffed. "An- an she went to the docter an didn't come back".
The young father was stunned, he didn't quite know how to handle this situation. How do you explain chronic illness to a 5 year old? He sure as hell didn't know. But he tried nonetheless.
"Aw babyboy the monsters didn't get mama, her tummy just doesn't feel good. And she did come back from the doctors, you were just asleep bud", he rubbed the boy's back."Do you want to sleep with me and mama?".
A quiet "pretty peas" could be heard in response. The man chuckled a bit and walked back to his room, child in his arms.
He walked back into his room to find his wife sitting up, discomfort apparent on her features. "Look see there's mama", the man pointed. The little boy's eyes twinkled in reassurance, finally knowing the monsters didn't get his mama. He reached his little hands out to the woman on the bed, his father placing him on her lap.
The boy gently laid his head on her chest.
"mama?" "Yes sweet boy?" "Why are you wearing daddy's shirt?" She softly laughed at her son's curiosity. Looking down at the oversized gray Air Force shirt she wore, replying,"I'm wearing it because it's really really comfy and it makes my tummy feel better". The boy accepted the answer, he snuggled closer to his mom.
The man smiled at his family, laying back in bed and opened his arms. His wife gladly accepted, she held her son close and laid her own head on her husband's chest. Within mere seconds their son was fast asleep.
He held his wife gently, kissing her forehead. "Are you okay baby?", he softy asked. She smiled, "No, of course not. Am I ever okay?". They both laughed, brief memories of high school flashing in their minds.
"Well anyway go back to sleep baby, you need it", he cooed as he softly played with her hair.
"I love you" "I love you too"
Satane.puella/demon_blop ©

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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