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Lost in thought, she barely registered the blowhole spouting water in front of her.

That is, until she felt herself sliding forward towards the gaping hole.

Raye scrambled to get a grip on the rocks, but they felt strangely smooth and slipped out of her grasp.

Then she was tumbling downward, salt water stinging her eyes, making the rocks and water blur together.

I wonder if anyone will miss me, she thought as she fell towards inevitable death.

To her surprise, she landed on a pebbly beach, the water cushioning her fall before settling down.

The cave she was in had a narrow strip of pebbles that were out of the water, the part Raye was standing on. The rest of the cave was a pool of water that reminded her of the Lapis Lazuli necklace a customer of the bakery owned.

"Why am I here? Will I ever get back?" Raye wondered aloud, turning on the balls of her feet to inspect the cave further.

A small wave entered the cave, startling Raye when it kept its shape even as it approached the beach.

She circled it as much as she could, curious. Following her with the tip of its crest, the wave seemed to watch her.

"Interesting..." she reached out to touch it, feeling the cool, silky surface nuzzle her back.

Suddenly, a large burst of water entered the cave, seeming to explode from nowhere.

Raye knelt onto one knee and covered her face, not wanting to get more salt in her eyes. When she stood again, the water was receding.

The small wave came to her again, this time with a brown bag enveloped in its crest.

Raye smiled and accepted her satchel, then opened it. To her satisfaction, all the contents were unbroken and dry.

Slinging it over her shoulder, she noticed the person laying on the pebbles for the first time.

The boy looked about her age, with tousled brown hair. Despite herself, Raye felt her heart flutter slightly at his form.

Knock it off, she scolded herself.

The wave came up off the beach, splashing the boy in the face.

He sat up, obviously startled. "Where am I?! What happened???" He saw Raye. "What are you doing here?"

"Where even is 'here'?" Raye asked.

The boy looked around, running his fingers through his hair. "The Cave Of No Time, I suppose."

He tried to stand, then fell back when he put weight on his left leg. Raye reached out to steady him. "Are you all right?"

The boy winced, avoiding her touch. "I'll be fine." He limped a little bit away from Raye. "You really shouldn't touch me."

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