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Stunned, Raye regarded the cliff and the blowhole in front of her. Was that all a dream?
All she remembered was blurs of light and salt sweeping into her eyes, then she was back in the exact same position she had been after she came from the bakery.
There was even a slight trace of flour on her dress.

"That was weird. I hope I'm not going crazy."
Raye stood and walked down to the beach and her boat.
To her surprise, a small animate wave was hovering at the shore. It's crest rose when it saw her, then it motioned to the water frantically.
Debating, Raye glanced out over the ocean. It was beginning to get dark, and she wasn't even sure if it had all been a hallucination.
Oh well. I don't have work tomorrow anyway.
She turned and ran back up the beach, stuffing the apron still hanging from the sail into a crate. Then she pushed the crates into the closed area of the hull.
Bracing herself against the sand, Raye dug her feet into the ground and pushed the boat against her back with all her might.
It slid into the water with a triumphant splash.

After a refresher course in how to use the boat,  Raye was able to angle the sails to catch the wind and follow the small wave.

Soon, an object came into view. The wave stopped abruptly, and the wind stopped suddenly as well. Raye tumbled forward over the side of the boat from the sudden stop.
When she climbed back on board, Tristan was standing on one of the floats.
He looked as confused as Raye felt.
"What was that all about?" Raye asked. "Why dump us in the cave and then return us and then make us meet up aga-" She was cut off as the wind came back, shoving the boat forward enough to knock Raye down again.
Tristan reached out and helped her up, crouching down for the trip. "I guess we'll find out."

I could get used to this, Raye thought as she jumped from a float to the main canoe.
All the trip so far, the wind had angled the sail for her, and the waves made sure they stayed on course to wherever they were going.
The only bad thing was putting up with Tristan's pointless sarcasm twenty-four-seven.
"You know," he said, breaking into Raye's thoughts, "I should be on my way to the earth dominion right now."
The little wave rolled it's crest in exasperation, splashing Tristan with a little water.
"I think that's where we're going," Raye said. "I mean, I'm not sure where else we'd be headed."
Tristan sighed. "What, are you like receiving secret information on what's happening to us?"
"No, I'm just smarter than you," Raye smirked, proud of the remark.

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