he wishes it had been sooner

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*Bad6d (Sapnap-Centric)

I was inspired after reading angsty fanfics and looking through some fanart and noticing some similarities between the three. Also Dadboyhalo is pretty cool

TW: Toxic Relationships, Dysfunctional Family, Arguments

The reality of it all was that neither Bad nor A6d loved each other. They only stayed together for the sake of their kid. Sapnap.

Sapnap wishes they had split up sooner.


Bad grits his teeth, as he "patiently" waits for A6d to show up. His tail swaying lowly behind him. Sapnap holds onto Bad's hand, kicking a rock back and forth between his feet. He does notice the way his dad gets more and more angry as time goes on. But he only knows the extent of his anger when he hears the screams of his parents through the thin walls.

"The fuck why am I always the babysitter, we have enough money you don't need to dump him on me everytime you have somewhere to be!" A6d yells, harshly shoving Bad to the wall. He doesn't even blink, as he spits poison right back at him.

"Hes your son too!" Bad snaps back. Tail angrily snapping from side to side.

"I wasn't the one who said they were on protection when they clearly weren't!" A6d shouts, towering over the demon hybrid.

"Yeah, well I wasn't the one who said wearing protection was useless!" Bad shoots back, black ears pointed downwards.

The screaming continues on for a bit before it ends with a vase falling over, shattering all over the tile floor. It's silent, and Sapnap fears for the worse. He stifles his cries, as he hears his father storm out of the house, and hears his dad begin to sob. Sapnap hides under his bedsheets covers, and lets out all of his unshed emotions.

He's five, almost six.


It's the first day of secondary school, and he hates it already.

The kid's all look at him funny, since he's the only non-visible hybrid.

"How did you get in here?" A kid with fluffy yellow wings asks, snorting, " you aren't a hybrid."

"I am," Snapnap mutters back, annoyed at the fact he's had to explain to everyone, that he is on fact a hybrid, more than once this day. 

His dad, Bad, thought it would be a great idea if he went to a hybrid school. His other dad didn't agree, which meant the two ended up fighting. Souring Sapnap's mood since the beginning of the day.

He tries to forget the words his dad, had thrown carelessly against his other dad.

" Yeah, send him to that mob school, maybe he'll turn out just like you with his own fucking partner to torment," A6d hisses, eyes burning with hatred. Bad gasps, hurt.

Neither notice Sapnap standing behind the door, or how his face crumples when he hears the disgusting words of his father. They do however note that he looks a lot more down than usual.

His dad blames it on his other dad, and dad blames it on lack of sleep.

"How was school?" Bad amiably asks, A6d gives him a tilted grin. Both of them sure know how to act natural around him, too bad Sapnap's been able to see through the act since day one.

Sapnap gives them a tired look before just muttering out a, "fine." He puts his earbuds in, as they pull out of the parking lot, ignoring the kid with fluffy yellow wings waving at him.

They drive home, and Sapnap blasts music through his earphones as they begin to fight.


Highschool is spent with him spending as much time as he can in other people's houses. This means he makes a good sized group of "friends". They aren't really the best of influences, and his dads are sure to let him know their opinion when they can.

Though Bad is quick to drop it after Sapnap, turns it on him. While A6d keeps pestering him to find new friends.

He doesn't know who is better, the one who let him run wild (to some extent) or the one who tried to contain him in a small fenced path.

His dads do get angry with him, especially A6d. When he's around, as his jobs consists of traveling to faraway places. They show it in different ways, A6d shouts and Bad ignores.

Who on their way home after Sapnap gets suspended curses at him in French. Sapnap doesn't understand much, and doesn't dwell on the words bing thrown to him. Choosing instead to focus on the cars passing by.

Bad just shakes his head in disapointment, saying something in demon that Sapnap doesn't understand. It sounds almost like an apology.

They still fight later that evening, surprisingly they go to their native languages instead of just sticking to English.

From the few words that Sapnap understood, they were fighting over him.

Nothing new then.


He's eighteen when his parents sit him down on the dining table. Sapnap knows what's coming. He interrupts them before they start, not really wanting to sit through what he knows had been coming for a long time.

"I know."

He almost feels bad when they look at him with wide eyes and guilty expressions.

His dad puts his hands between his hands, whispering soft words in French. As his other dad looks at him with pity before apologizing in demon.

They divorced only after Sapnap got out of the house, which was at eighteen.

Sapnap wishes it had been sooner.

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