tragic soulmates

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You know how Bad said he liked the idea of his soul being tied to Skeppy, so that when he dies so does Bad. Well I decided - no we don't do lovers dying together here. Also Quackity because I just like the ship better

TW: Death, Heavy Angst, Suggestive Comments, Implied Sex, Cursing

Badboyhalo is a pretty creature.

He has soft brown hair, cream colored and smooth skin, and bright sea green eyes. His smile is sweet and endearing, and his loyalty is worth gold.

It's common knowledge that the demon, the last of his species, is very unlike the myths his species is portrayed as.

When it comes to strength there isn't anything worth noting, but he's cunning and quick on his feet. Bad is pretty durable as well.

But it's his kindness and forgiving nature that lead most people to choose to befriend the demon. This includes a duck hybrid that goes by the name Quackity.

Soon to become Bad's annoyance.


"Okay, tell me if this is an offensive question," Quackity begins, and Bad just knows that this is going to lead to a headache, " if your a demon why do you look so human?"

Bad raises an eyebrow and deadpans as he looks over to the duck hybrid. Quackity returns the look with a completely serious one of his own.

Bad sighs," Quackity, being a demon is more about my soul (well lack of soul). That sets me apart from humans and hybrids. There really isn't any physical changes apart from my eyes, and even that only happens once a century."

It's a lie, but Quackity doesn't need to know that.

Bad's skin used to be pitch black. He used to have luminous white eyes, that if anyone were to look directly into would see their greatest fear. He used to have wings, but those had been disintegrated long ago. His hands used to bend in the wrong way, and his nails were as sharp as swords. His mouth could unhinge itself, and his teeth were always stained crimson.

Quackity tilts his head, looking down to his lap as he contemplated the information. He misses the way Bad looks into the distance, a faraway expression on his face.

"So you don't have two dicks?"

"Language!" Bad shouts, turning around to look at the Mexican, face startling red.

Quackity snorts, pushing himself off the floor and into the air, as Bad chases after him.

Bad stops for a moment, admiring the duck hybrid in the sky. Watching the other make graceful swoops and spins high up against the bright blue sky.

Quackity was made for the sky.

From the ground, Quackity looks like an angel. Bad feels something dark coil around his stomach, hungry.


Bad shakes the thoughts out of his head, before steadying himself and chasing after the flying man.

Quackity finally lands, and Bad runs up to him. Tackling the other to the ground. Quackity laughs at Bad's pouty expression, and before long the other joins him in his laughter.


Quackity can't help but blush as he watches Bad dance. Despite the innocent persona the other has, Bad sure does know how to dance dirty.

Bad shyly smiles at the duck-hybrid, before beckoning the other to him. Quackity watches for a second longer, before joining the other in the dance floor.

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