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Ash headed into the Cloud Layer, and he went through a maze and went into the gym to challenge the Gym Leader, Orion. He went through the Gym Puzzle, which was only a flowery garden maze.

'I challenge you to a battle!' Ash cried confidently. '

Really?' Orion asked, 'Let me ask my rock first.'

'Wait. Your ROCK??' Ash cried, definitely surprised by the child's stupidity.

'Of course, it's hard to make friends here, and this rock is friendly. Ain't it? Rock?' Orion said, 'Now, back to the topic. Me and my rock accept your battle request!!'

'All right!' Ash cried. Ash and Orion agreed to have a double battle, and they sent out their first two Pokemon. Ash sent out his two Lucarios, while Orion sent out his Vulpix and Deerling. Ash easily swept through the gym, and earned his first gym badge.

Orion presented Ash with a Thermal Badge, and Ash shouted, 'I just got, a Thermal Badge!!'

The Son of The Pokemon Master (On Hold, not for much longer though!)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora