Chapter One: A Dream or A Memory

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My name is Emi Todoroki, I live in a world filled with magic powers and overwhelming skill. I live in a pretty big family, I have three brothers and one sister. Let me start by giving you info on my family. My mom is Rei, her hair is as white as snow and her eyes are as dark as night. She has the ability to make snow or ice, Which is why her hair is white. Next, we have my father Enji, He has bright fiery red hair. His power is fire (obviously) he's the number 2 hero in the world. His hero name is Endeavor, although he is our father neither me nor my siblings like him that much. Lastly, we have my siblings; the oldest is Toya, the second oldest is Fuyumi, then Natsuo, the youngest is Shoto and me.

The start of the day was like the rest, sunny, warm, and the loud chirps of the birds. Every morning we had to be awake at 6:00 am, but since today was the weekend we got up at eight. Toya and I share a room so when he gets up, I like to get up with him. I'm only four years old and Toya is 15, he's pretty much a giant, but compared to our father, he was nowhere near as tall.

When Toya got up he walked over to my bed shaking me. "Emi, come on, you need to eat breakfast. I'm making your favorite...pancakes"

Mmmmmm... Toya knew how much I loved pancakes. So the moment I heard that word I opened my eyes and shot out of my bed. I tried to run to the door but my brother grabbed me with his strong hands.

"You don't get any pancakes until you clean your side of the room, Got it?" He said, pointing his finger at me, Then patting my head.

Nothing too bad, my side was always clean. I looked over and let out a huge sigh. Whaaaattt! When did it get so dirty? There were toys everywhere, my crayons were laid out on the floor from when Shoto and I were coloring. My clothes were on the floor from when Fuyumi was trying to dress me.

"Can you pleeessseee help me, Toya? Pleeeasseee'' I said whining in hopes he would help.

"Do you want pancakes? If so, how am I gonna make them if I'm cleaning your side?" He said, giving me a warm smile before leaving the room.

But...but there's so much!

I got my pancakes as promised, I sat there pouring my syrup all over them. I liked my pancakes to be smothered in syrup. As the thick creamy syrup grew heavier over my pancakes, the bottle was ripped out of my hands. I looked over to see father giving me an angry look.

"You're always wasting the syrup. Do you have to use that much? Jesus, get a hold of yourself, kid." He yelled closing the cap and slamming the cabinet door shut.

"She's just a kid dad, let her be a kid," Toya said.

Every time Toya talked back to our father, he would make him go into the training room. I don't know what he would do, but Toya would always come back hurt. I just sat there feeling the warm pancakes and syrup on my tongue. Gosh, I loved pancakes. Toya did the best too, they were always so fluffy and sweet. He only made them for me which was the best part because I didn't have to share.

It was around ten o'clock, my favorite time of day. This was the time when mother would be outside in the garden. I liked to watch her and write down notes in secret. I went to my room to grab a notepad and pencil. I knocked three times: Knock pause for a second, knock knock. That was mine and Toya's secret code. I heard a small giggle from inside the room.

"Come in Emi," Toya said.

I went over to my desk and pulled out my notepad and a blue colored pencil.

"Going to watch mother again?" Of course, Toya knew, I did this every day. I just laughed and ran to him giving him a big hug. Once our hug was over, I went in for a sneak attack in an attempt to punch the side of his stomach. He blocked it...again.

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