Chapter Four: Power Apprehension Test

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I got dressed, putting my hands in the side pockets of the uniform, looking down at the dirt beneath my feet. I had one earbud in my ear while listening to a podcast called 'Heros, why do we need them?' It was more of background noise so I didn't really listen to what they had to say, but it seemed to help me focus when I was multitasking.

As I walked towards the PE grounds, there were two boys in front of me: A boy with yellow hair with a streak of black and another kid with spiky red hair the color of velvet. They kept looking back at me and laughing as they turned back. This is why I stay low. The boy with yellow hair tripped on the ground, falling head first into the dirt. The boy with red hair looked down at him pointing his finger and laughing at him. That's what he gets for laughing at me.

"What!?" A girl in the front yelled as the rest of the class came to a halt.

"But... Orientation we are gonna miss it" The girl said distressed, looking around at her classmates.

What did I say? That I knew we had an opening ceremony to get to. I was right. I was planning on skipping the ceremony anyways. There wasn't any point in wasting time on a ceremony that said the same thing every year. 'Welcome to the school. Please listen to all our rules... blah blah blah'

I realized our teacher was giving out instructions, to which I realized I hadn't been paying attention to a word he was saying.

"If you really want to make it to the big leagues, you can't waste your time on pointless ceremonies." Yep exactly what I was thinking. Our teacher was right. Mr. Aizawa continued, "Here at UA we're not tethered to traditions. That means that I get to run my class however I see fit. You've been taking standardized test most of your life, but you've never gotten to use your powers in physical exams before"

I didn't like the sound of a power assessment from the start. Since I didn't have any powers, I have to rely fully on my own personal strength.

"Bakugou, Katsuki." Aizawa called, from the moment the name was called, someone I unfortunately recognized stepped forward.

So the angry pomeranian has a name, huh? With his hands in his pockets he held a 'couldn't care less' attitude to match. The boy wore his PE uniform wrong too. Just like the shirt, it was zipped down to his collar bones.

Aizawa handed him a baseball and said. "You managed to rack up the most points in the entrance exam. What was your furthest distance throw with a softball when you were in junior high?"

Bakugou took the ball out of his hands giving him a smirk. "Right around 70 meters, I think?"

"Now try throwing the ball while using your power to maximize its throw, anything goes as long as you stay in the circle." Aizawa said, holding an ipad, ready to write down notes.

Bakugou took his stance within the circle. Leaning back his arm, throwing it into the air. A loud boom echoed as smoke followed the ball through the air. So the angry boy has an explosion power? That explains why he smells like nitroglycerin.

Mr. Aizawa showed the tablet to the class. Somehow the ball was connected to the tablet and the distance '705.2 m' was shown. That was pretty good for an explosion power.

The whole class chipped in their thoughts:

"Wow, 705 meters, are you kidding me?!"

"I wanna go, that looks fun!"

"This is what im talking about, using our powers as much as we want!"

Everyone seemed super hyped about this assessment more than I was. I really wanted to piss the pomeranian off by going just a point over his score. That idea was knocked out since I didn't have any power. Imagine the look on his face if I just got a point higher though. I thought, silently chuckling to myself.

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