Part 49 - Conversations

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As Henry left the storage room, before he went out of the pizzeria, he made a phone call.

"Hello... Yes, it's me... They are all here and I will be sure to put the Afton's to hell, whilst I will put Charlie to rest... I'm going to burn this place on Sunday... I will, goodbye." He said, putting down his phone and leaving the pizzeria. Little did he know that there were others watching and listening to what he was saying. The listeners looked at each other, they knew what to do tomorrow when the others come out.

It was a new day, Tuesday to be exact. Lefty, Scraptrap, Scrap Baby, Molten Freddy and Golden Freddy left the storage room, to see 4 distressed Rockstars looking at them.

"What's happening guys?" Lefty asked.

Rockstar Bonnie spoke up, he was the most distressed one at the moment and when he is panicked, he will not stop talking, "A man! He was on the phone yesterday! He said he-he-he-"

"Bonnie, stop talking." Lefty cut him off, hoping for him to calm down. She stopped him from talking, hoping to calm him down and get answers from someone else, "Chica, what happened?"

Rockstar Chica knew it was best for Bonnie for her to tell them, "There was a man, he came out of your room yesterday. He took a phone call before leaving the establishment and he said something about them all being there. The Afton's will be put in hell, he will put Charlie to rest. And then he said that he was going to burn the place down on Sunday at the end of the week..." She concluded, which shocked the salvaged animatronics as well as Golden Freddy.

"Did you know about this too, Golden?" Scraptrap had to ask, bluntly.

"No. I didn't know a single thing about his intentions. I just knew who he was and why he took Lefty out of the storage room.

"Yarg, who may this laddie be?" Rockstar Foxy was the first to ask about Golden Freddy.

"I am Golden Freddy. Former partner of Scraptrap, a friend of the Puppet, also known as Lefty. You don't need to introduce yourselves as I know who you all are." He announced himself, formally.

Nobody questioned how he knew, as it was also odd that they had never seen him before, especially in the storage room. 

"Why..." Lefty said to herself, not realising she said it out loud, everyone looked at her.

"What's wrong, Lefty?" Molten Freddy asked.

"It's just.. My father has never been known to do anything like this. Why now?"

"Listen, whatever happens, whether he does it or not, you have all of us. If we go down, we go down together as a family," Molten Freddy told his salvaged family and Golden Freddy, "...Even you guys," Molten Freddy addressed the Rockstars. After he said this, everyone smiled, except for Bonnie. He was scared, he didn't want to be destroyed. 

"What does it feel like to burn?" Bonnie asked, trying to reassure himself.

"If you want all honesty, Bonnie," Scraptrap was the first to answer, "Being springlocked hurts a heck of a lot more than being burned alive. Trust me, I'm speaking from experience." The other Afton animatronics and Golden Freddy all knew about this. The Rockstars, including Lefty, didn't.

Scraptrap decided it was best to explain himself, as he hasn't mentioned this to anyone but his family. He already knew Golden Freddy was there when it happened, he always is around when  you never expect him to be. "When I was an attraction for Fazbear's Fright, after 5 nights of trying to kill the nightguard, who I believe was called Jeremy, he burnt the place to the ground, with me being trapped inside. When the fire latched onto me, I thought it would be the worst pain I have ever experienced. It wasn't. It hurt, but it was nothing compared to being impaled by the springlocks inside the suit." He concluded. Everyone was paying attention to him. Bonnie was reassured just a little bit, as it wasn't the worst pain he could've felt.

"What happened afterwards?" Rockstar Freddy chimed in.

"I managed to crawl out of the establishment before I was burnt to death. Luckily for me, the police and fire fighters arrived just after I hid in the bushes. The police looked around the establishment, but they didn't see me. I'm lucky because if they did, I would've been shot and killed."

Scraptrap was looking at everyone, taking occasional glances at Lefty before he stopped on her. Lefty knew it wasn't her fault but she felt nothing but sadness and empathy.


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