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Wentworth and Maggie being a couple had sort of broken the Highschool. Here was one of the popular girls dating one of the wallflower boys. Wentworth's friends and Maggie's friends actually got along and Donald and Andrea were fun to be around. Maggie was expecting Donald to be like Wentworth, but he was a lot more relaxed. They were both very polite and Maggie questioned how they became friends with Wentworth in the first place.

"Oh they were badly bullied, and still are, for being Jewish. I thought they seemed far out so we became friends. The rest is history, my love." Wentworth explains as the two lie on his bed. It's the night before prom night and they've been together for two months." How'd you meet your friends?"

"Well my mom is friends with Frankies mom so we've been best friends since forever. Sonia isn't really a popular girl but Frank seemed to like her so she soon tagged along. Sharon and Zach have been my friends since 4th grade and Elfrida joined in sophomore year when she joined the school." Maggie explains and Wentworth listens with a small smile.

"What's up with Elfrida and Alvin Marsh?" Wentworth asks, sitting up slightly. Maggie rolls her eyes." What?"

"I don't know...I don't trust him. He seems like bad news." She explains and Wentworth moves a strand of hair behind her ear gently, the two making eye contact. He smiles at her softly." But if it's who Elfrida wants to be with then she can."

"I think it's sweet how you care about your friends, Maggie my love." Wentworth says and then he kisses her gently. She kisses back and giggles slightly as he wraps his arms around her.

Maggie was falling deeper and deeper in love with Wentworth as the days passed. She kept finding new things to love about him. Like his glasses that were too big for his face, his dreams of being a dentist, the way he is with his younger siblings and the ridiculous amount of nicknames he has for her.

"Wentie, what're you doing?" Comes a voice from the door way. The two pull apart to see Wanda watching them. Wentworth sighs.

"Wanda, you know to knock on the door. I was having a moment with my girlfriend." Wentworth says gently. He doesn't get angry with her, he just speaks to her calmly and Maggie knows in that moment that he'll be a good dad in the future.

"Mommy says dinner is ready." Wanda says sweetly and Wentworth smiles at his sister. Then he and Maggie get off of his bed and Wanda holds onto Wentworth's hand as they all walk downstairs. Maggie looks at her boyfriend with the biggest smile on her face.

Maggie isn't that keen on Wentworth's mom, she seems to frown down at her. But Wentworth's step-dad is nice and so is his brother. Andrew offers to get Maggie a drink, but she declines politely and Wentworth goes to get her one anyway.

"Cute cute cute!" Wentworth says, kissing Maggie on the cheek. She laughs but then catches the stern glare of Norma Acaster and stops.

Dinner goes smoothly and soon, it's time for Wentworth to walk Maggie home. He prefers to walk her home rather than drive her because he feels as though they spend more time together walking and he enjoys her company. They walk hand-in-hand, just talking and enjoying being with one another.

"I don't think your mom likes me." Maggie states as they walk.

"She's just overprotective of me, don't worry. She will soon warm up to you, I promise." Wentworth says, kissing Maggie on the cheek and making her smile." Y'know, I cannot wait for tomorrow night. It's gonna be great. We are so gonna win prom king and queen!"

"Don't get your hopes up, Wentworth." Maggie chuckles as he swings their arms, skipping slightly.

"No we will. Just like we'll get married and have like five kids!" Wentworth chuckles, making Maggie laugh." Okay, well maybe not five. One or two."

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