Character creation: where to start

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What is the first things I do when I want to make a character? That is the first question you may ask yourself and there are two answers to that: 1) Character design 2) Character Theme. Both of whom are extremely important.
There are both pros and cons with both choices. If you start by design your character will look super cool and clickable but of you're unable to provide an interesting background, your character will be forgettable or even "wasted potential".
If you start by theme your character you can end up with an extremely delicate and memorable story. But if you can't turn that concept into something marketable (using the design) your character won't reach a large audience.
It doesn't matter which you decide to do first. It matters how well you do them. But they are the most important and the most complicated things that will go into your story. Remember tho, you just made this oc, it is not ready yet, you can always make improvements later, don't be too hard on yourself love, it's a bumpy ride.

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