Character Profile - Dr. Jack Bright

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Name: Jack Bright
Talent: Ultimate Scientist
Height: Variable
Weight: Variable
Abilities: None to mention, besides SCP-963 (The amulet around his neck) which allows him to possess people (not going to be using that here), as well as his Atomic Revolver which is pretty self-explanatory. It fires blasts of pure radiation-enhanced kinetic energy, and not only does it cause physical damage, but also causes cancers under their flesh, killing people from the inside.

Bio: Dr. Bright is an O5 personnel who had become one with SCP-963 after he had been killed by SCP-076, and now become seemingly immortal. For those unaware, in the SCP Foundation, O5 personnel are people with the highest power not only in the foundation, but also in the world, anything they say or want to happen WILL happen.
Dr. Bright has proven highly resistant to psychic and emotional manipulation. Whether this is natural, or a function of 963, is both unknown, and untestable. If Dr. Bright commits suicide, SCP-963 will cease to work. Due to his frequent shifts of bodies and the consequent aggregation of personalities (which mostly consisted of convicted criminals such as murderers or rapists), Bright's sanity is questionable at best, though, he is usually silly and fairly goofy.

 Due to his frequent shifts of bodies and the consequent aggregation of personalities (which mostly consisted of convicted criminals such as murderers or rapists), Bright's sanity is questionable at best, though, he is usually silly and fairly goofy

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