First Execution

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Before anything, I want to apologize for the vagueness of the last chapter's autopsy, despite my suspicions of it being too easy, it appears that it was actually too hard, and for that, I'm sorry. So instead of punishing you all for a stupid mistake from my end,  execute the actual murderer, this time, and ONLY this time. I will attempt to get more into detail with the next crime scene.

"The votes are in, the people have made their thoughts clear."
The melancholic voice of Monokuma spoke up yet again, bringing nothing but despair with it as it did.

"The one with the most votes, and the one who will be executed is... Andre of Astora!"
The people's expressions formed into shock.

"Did you pick wrong? Did you pick right? Who knows?~ You'll have to find out yourselves a bit later! Now, what you've all been waiting for... It's punishment time!"

"Wait. Before you execute him, I want to hear his reasoning."
Bright asked. The room stayed quiet for a few seconds, only filling the silence with the quiet noises of the shuttle's engine.

"Growing up in Lordran, you're raised differently than in other places on earth. I was raised and taught to fight to stay alive. But of course, I couldn't go for an easy target like Kokichi. It would be dishonorable of me to fight against someone inequal to me in terms of strenght. Which is why I chose Goku as my victim, because I thought he could provide challenge, and he did. He fought until the very damn end. Even with various death knocker injuries, he still fought on, for that, he has my respect. So while Kokichi was a liar, he wasn't completely off."
Though the remaining ones were dissappointed in the fact he killed so early, they regained their respect for him after hearing his reasoning, taking it as a justification for his murder.

"Blah, blah, shut up and enjoy the show now! It's punishment time!"
The tension slowly grew as Andre got yanked back by a chain that appeared around his neck, aggressively being pulled through various rooms, before ending up in a workshop-esque room, where the back of his head hit an anvil. The sound of gears working filled the room as he noticed a machine approach from the shadows. Coming closer, from the weak light of the room, it could be made out to be in the shape of a blacksmith hammer. It finally came to a stopping point, being placed slightly before the side of the anvil. The hammer was slowly raised up, before being brought down at a contrasting speed, leaving Andre's face looking beaten, but it continued, leaving Andre's face more and more brutalized with each swing, before being raised and brought down one final time, completely crushing Andre's brains and face.

"Hahahaha! Ain't nothing like the good ol' ironic death, innit? Well! That's all I wanted to see! You people can continue on with your day! Buh-byeee!"
And with that, Monokuma left. The 14 remaining stared in shock. Kokichi saw his dinner again, though now covered in stomach acid. Scorpion looked the most calm, like this is a daily thing he experiences, though even he looked like he was preparing to throw up, not out of disgust, but fear. It was like time had stopped, everyone was waiting for someone to say something, to end the silence, to continue the flow of time. They realized what was going on. This wasn't a sick social experiment, no, nothing alike. Their lives are at stake here. They don't want to spend the rest of their lives here, but they're trapped. Killing is a bad choice to take. Not killing is a bad choice to take. In both cases, there's a high chance you'll die either way.

The rest continued on with their communicationless day, realizing the true despair this shuttle brings along with it, preparing themselves for anything.

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