Huh, Thought She'd Look A Little More... Sleek?

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The cover for the 14th Warriors super edition, Leopardstar's Honor has been released, and for a RiverClan cat I'd thought Leopardstar would look more, I don't know... sleek?

She just looks a little chubby on this cover, not exactly how I pictured she'd look

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She just looks a little chubby on this cover, not exactly how I pictured she'd look. Her pelt is pretty much how I imagined it though.

But her body proportions just look... kinda wrong?

I don't know. It's a pretty cover and all (and FINALLY some more RiverClan rep in the books! We're in serious need of new RiverClan content), but I was expecting her to look a bit more sleek, and a lot more slimmer.

I guess since she appears to be drawn in a sitting down position it kinda makes it a little difficult to make her more slim. But still....

And on a totally unrelated note, there's a fucking mosquito buzzing around in my room, and it's super annoying....

~ Just Candy being a little ?? by a new Warriors book cover

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