Marilyn Manson

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As some of you might know, I'm a huge fan of Marilyn Manson (I believe I've mentioned that on here somewhere? I'm sure I have....), so I'm sure you're curious about my stance on what's supposedly happened.

So here you go! But please keep in mind that I'm not just saying all this because I'm a huge fan of him.

I have doubts if it really happened. I'm not going to say if I think it did or did not happen, because I'm unsure of what I truly think, but I'd really like to believe that it didn't happen. But I'd rather wait until there's more evidence that proves either way what happened instead of just words from both parties. Then I'll make my judgement.

Although, there's a chance it could've very well happened, because well... some of the stuff in his book are a little... wtf. Though I'm more inclined to believe that those parts in his book are more exaggerated than anything to give off a better storytelling elemnt. But still....

And I don't think he's a perfect person, hell no. Frankly, I don't think anyone is perfect. Everyone has their issues. But I'm rather hesitant to believe that he's capable of that.

I'm always hesitant to believe stuff like this, because it's way too easy for any woman to say something like this, and the large majority of the public believing her over the man she's accusing without evidence. To many men have had their lives ruined by false allegations made against them. Just look at the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard case.

It's exactly why I find the whole "believe all women" logic to be utter bullshit. It's that exact logic that allows many women to get away with accusing men of doing something they didn't do (I'm not saying every women who accuses men of that is lying, but there's still women who do lie about it and get away with it). I also dislike cancel culture. Too many people have been cancelled either for things they didn't do, or for very small insignificant incidents that happened in their past.

And the thing is, Marilyn Manson is the perfect person for people to accuse of this stuff. I mean, look at him! And he was blamed for Columbine even though he had nothing to do with it at all, and if I recall correctly, both the boys responsible for that (I can't recall what their names were), weren't even fans of Manson. So I'm hesitant to believe any of this.

Hell, come to think of it, I could probably very easily accuse him of those things, and people would probably believe it because of how he looks and the controversy around his entire career. Even though it's impossible for any of that to be true, as I've never met the guy, and I don't even live anywhere near him. I'm not even in the same country as him!

Now, I don't know if this is true or not, it's just what I've heard online from other MM fans, but apparently all the women who are accusing him of the abuse are friends, so.... What's to say they're not all just disgruntled ex's that have banded together in an attempt to ruin his career because he's more successful than him?

Or they've come to regret getting involved with him, and apparently he's into BDSM (from what I've heard, and his book does imply stuff relating to that), and they didn't know what they were getting themselves into, and they're trying to play that off as abuse and sexual assault? It's entirely possible, maybe not true, but possible.

Also, from what I've seen, some of them have been fat shaming him.... So uh... they really have the balls to accuse him of something that might not even be true, AND to fat shame him...?

And also, do with this info what you want, but Evan Rachel Wood is friends (I think close friends?) with Amber Heard and I believe she still supports her. Might not be at all relevant, but just something to think about. And I'm sure we all know by now how much of a shitty person Amber is....

Honestly, I'm going to just wait for more proof about this instead of just words before I make any final opinion on this. And anyway, it's innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around.

Though, I suppose if he is found to be not guilty, there'll still be people that will still believe the claims that he's abusive and everything else these allegations say.

Now, if you disagree with my thoughts on this, feel free to unfollow me, I don't care. I'm just hesitant to fully believe these accusations without definite proof. Because anyone can accuse someone of this (especially women) without proper proof of the supposed abuse.

Honestly, no matter what, I'm not going to stop listening to his music, nor am I going to throw away my merch. I rather find throwing away merch that you spent your own money on rather stupid and a waste of money. Especially when it's an expensive piece of merch.

 Especially when it's an expensive piece of merch

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