Chapter 13: Unexpected

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"This is a stupid plan." Catra moves away from the ledge of the building and sits next to Adora in the shadows. They are currently staking out on the roof of the building next to the prison.

"Mako tried his best, okay? No one else was coming up with anything." Asami says to her.

"Only because he wouldn't let us. Any one of us could have come up with just sneaking into the jail. It should have been Plan B in case the better plan didn't go well. But noooo he was soooo proud of his bland, risky idea that he didn't want us to spend time to brainstorm anything else."

"He just wants to save Korra as quickly as possible..." Asami turns her head and looks over at the roof of the prison, seeing a few Earth Empire guards surveying the area. She takes a peek to the ground and sees Mako and Bolin quietly climbing their way up the side of the prison. "I just want her back safely, no matter what we have to do to achieve that."


"Okay, so here's our game plan. Bolin and I will sneak into the prison from the roof, using the route Asami took to escape since most of the guards are on the lower floors where the prisoners are. Taking out Guan is important, but escaping with Korra is priority. So once we're inside, we'll take the first chance we get to run off with Korra. You three will hide on top of the building across the street just in case we need any backup." Mako said.

"Why not take Asami with you? She knows the inside better than the two of you since she's actually seen it and we know for sure Korra responds to her. She may not respond to you the way you think she will." Catra pointed out.

"Look, Asami and Korra hang out more because they're girls and do girly stuff together. But Korra and I shared feelings for each other. I think she'll respond to me just fine. Maybe enough to completely break her out of the brainwashing."

Catra and Adora stared silently at Asami after Mako's response, but their lack of words were basically yelling at her.

Mako's arrogance over the situation annoyed Asami, especially since it became painfully clear that Mako thinks he still has romantic influence over Korra. She wanted to rain on his parade right then and there, but she knew it wasn't a good idea.

"If there are no more objections, we should move before the sun starts rising."


"Why are you defending him? I think he's the one who's brainwashed if he thinks Korra will have a better reaction to him than you. It wasn't a good idea to let them go in alone. Korra may care for them as her friends but she loves you. Her emotions for them won't be strong enough to overpower the brainwashing."

"They couldn't even bring me down. Korra is going to kick their butts." Adora adds.

"I know. Which is why we need to intervene before she can get the chance to hurt them. We're going to sneak in behind them."

"I knew you were scheming something all this time." Catra squats in front of her and her tail swings quickly behind her. "Tell me I get to beat up some bad guys."

"Let me do the fighting. What's your plan?" Adora asks.

Asami watches as Mako and Bolin take out the guards that were stationed on the roof. "We'll let those two clear out most of the guards then follow behind them so we won't have to draw attention to ourselves by fighting. I'll get to Korra before Mako can and try talking to her.

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