(S1-C10) True Colors

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Ryder had called the Paw Patrol in for a meeting, except for Marshall. They were still on break from missions, which meant this time they had no idea what was going on. When they came out of the elevator, they all ran up to him like they usually would.

"What's wrong Ryder sir? I thought we were still on break." Chase asked, still a bit confused. The boy nodded, seemingly confirming that they were, but that just made things more confusing.

"Which you still are. I just called you guys up here because we need to talk." Ryder responded. "I've been thinking, do you guys think Marshall should be kept on duty? I know what you're thinking but think of his mental state. I mean it's been 2 months since he was diagnosed with PTSD, and has he really gotten much better? I don't want to send him on a mission in the condition he's in now." He explained.

The pups sat in silence. Of course, they knew the dally loved his role, but Ryder had a point. Was it really a good idea to send him into the field? He still seemed depressed and very vulnerable. And despite their best efforts, he still blamed himself for Everest's death.

"I think I speak for all of sir, but I honestly don't know." Chase answered as the rest nodded in agreement. It wasn't an easy decision to make. Marshall still needed to recover, and at the moment, that wasn't going so well.

"I don't either Chase. I guess we should just give him some more time." Ryder responded. "Oh, and I would keep an eye on Marshall today." He added. "Today is Everest's birthday."

The tension in the room greatly increased. That definitely wouldn't be easy for the dally. Besides him, they all had mostly gotten over Everest's death. It still hurt sometimes, but it wasn't as bad as it was three months ago, even for Skye. But even then, they would be lying if they said that didn't darken the mood.

Chase whimpered at the realization. Usually, any mention of the husky would just end up making Marshall more upset. They tried not to bring her up often, especially not anything about her death. That would almost always end up in another episode for him, which obviously they wanted to avoid.

"Chasey, don't worry, he'll be fine." Skye stated, snapping him out of his worries. The shepherd nodded slightly, but it didn't help much.

"I know, but I'm just worried about him. He's my brother. It scares me knowing that he's going through all this. I'm scared he'll do something that he'll regret. I-I just wish we could help him more." He replied sadly.

"Trust me, I get that. I wish we could do more too." Ryder added. "But there isn't really much more we can do. I think we just have to give him time, eventually he'll come around."

"B-but he shouldn't have to wait. This shouldn't even be a problem. This entire thing is stupid. He never deserved to go through any of this. Everest shouldn't have died, he should've never gotten PTSD, none of this should have happened." The shepherd exclaimed.

"You're not wrong. None of this should've happened, but there's nothing we can do now. That's why we all need to be there for him, so that one day, he'll get better." His owner reassured as he lightly patted his head.

Chase sighed and nodded. He knew they were right, but it was still worrying for him. "Yeah, you're probably right. Sorry if I seemed a bit stressed" He apologized, not wanting to make his team feel bad.

Skye smiled lightly and nuzzled him. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I know you're worried about him, so am I. We all are. It's probably normal to be stressed about something like this." She told him.

"Yeah, thanks Skye. And speaking of Marshall, I'm gonna go check on him. You guys wanna come?" Chase offered. The rest nodded in agreement. Whether he liked it or not, they wanted to check on their friend. They all knew that today would be even harder on him than usual.

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