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{} = talking through the mind-link.

"I'll beat u 2 the house!" I yelled while running into the woods, Myeong following closely behind.

Shifting into my jet black wolf.

Hi, my name is Ye-jun and I'm... a wolf shifter.

If your wondering what a wolf shifter is well here it is —> Wolf shifters are a combination of man/woman and wolf.
Both our wolf and human are present within our minds.
Since we are shifters, we can choose which one 2 turn into, but if something happens, then the other counterpart can overtake the current one.
We also have the ability 2 chat with our wolves and anyone within a bond and or pack through something called the mind link.

we normally vary in all sorts of colors manly gray, but the higher position your wolf is, the more likely they won't be gray.

We have an anarchy which is Alpha, Beta then Omega.
•Alpha's are the most powerful and are the leaders of the pack.
•Beta's are the second most powerful wolves and follow closely 2 the alpha.
•lastly, omegas are the bottom of the pack.

My family is one of the 14 alphas. Meaning that their are 14 packs all with alpha's as leaders.

But their is one other thing I haven't said yet and that is the ethereal wolves.
They don't fall into the anarchy but they are known as the most powerful wolves around.
If u asked me what they looked like, I'd have 2 disappoint and say that I have only heard the basics of them. After all, they don't even leave their huge mansion/castle, so no one but themselves know what they even looks like.
Nor how many.
Or how old any of them even are.
But I'm just rambling at thing point.

Anyways, they are neither good or bad.
They choose 2 stay 2 themselves until one day when they find their mates.

Even though we wolves are different from the ethereal wolves, we still get the chances of being mates with one. After all, theirs only one family so what else would happen? Mate each other- impossible!
I don't know much more than that. Well, I haven't heard any more then the fact that these wolves are the most powerful ones alive.
The mate thing was just a guess that I am 100% sure of.

Anyways, back 2 reality.

{"Ye-Jun! I swear I'll catch u!" My older brother, Myeong yelled}

For some reason, I've always been faster then anyone else.
I mean it's a given knowing that I would be way faster then the lower class wolves but for some reason, I can outrun and even outlast my alpha family in which shocked all of us.

My father just says that I'll be the best alpha their is and that's why I'm 'better' then everyone else but I wouldn't know.

{"U must be stupid if u think u can even get close 2 me!" I yelled back}

It was fun running and running in the woods with my brother. Especially because my older brothers love challenging my power.

Then all of a sudden I felt something like a shiver run up my spine causing my wolf 2 stop and look around frantically.

Meanwhile, {"Ye-Joon! Stop! That's the ethereal's land!" I suddenly heard my brother yell} but I was 2 caught but in the sudden attractive smell, that suddenly appeared out of now where, 2 even process what he was talking about.

Then out of the corner of my eye, I see a slightly glowing figure.
I stared at it until 2 things happened which in return resulted in the glowing figure 2 run away.
1) my brother finally caught up 2 me, panting.
2) my wolf was screaming something incoherent inside of my head.

Once my brother caught his breath, he looked between me and the space where the figure once was.
{"what's wrong?" My brother asked concerned}

{"nothing" I said trying 2 calm myself down}

{"really?" He asked with a hint of doubt in his tone}

I just nodded while heading the opposite way.

{"what were u saying earlier?" I asked}

{"u mean when I told u that u entered the ethereal area?" He asked}

{"yeah, that would be it" I said calmly}

We walked the rest of the way home in silence.

Me thinking while Myeong, minding himself in which was very helpful for when I just wanted 2 think alone.

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