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"Are u all ready!" My mother exclaimed quite happily.

She looked father then Su-Young then at Ha-Neul then finally at me.
As soon as mother looked at me, her face was horrified.

"What are u wearing?!" She exclaimed causing everyone else 2 look at me curiously.
As soon as they all looked over me, they all laughed causing utter confusion.

"What's wrong with how I look?" I asked quite shocked.

My mother sighed right before saying, "it's a ball honey, not a causal outing"

I still didn't get it.

I looked down at my outfit. It was what I normally wore when I went out for a run so what was the issue?

"Go change into the tux that I bought u. It should still be on top of your bed" she said while walking off.

Su-Young and Ha-Neul laughing while following mother.

Meanwhile, Father came up and asked, "are u going for a run?"

I nodded

"U know that this is your brother's important day right?" He scolded

I sadly nodded

He sighed before saying, "hurry up and run but quickly come back"

I looked up shocked but as soon as I saw his soft smile, I smiled as well.

"Thank u" I said as I ran outside and began my run.


As soon as we entered the ball room, all doubts of fitting everyone inside were gone in a blink of an eye.

"Wow!" Myeong and Chun-Hei said aloud with wonder while the rest of us hid our amazement.

At first, we all stayed together just looking at the place in amazement. Then, we started 2 break off starting with Kang-In then mother with Chun-Hei then Myeong then lastly father.

When they all left, I was still in a daze with how amazing this place is.
After a couple more minutes of looking then I slowly made my way into the main section.

As soon as I entered, swarms of people around my age came at me.

I slowly got 2 talk 2 them and got 2 know them.

2 hours of just talking 2 random people, I decided 2 take a seat, dismissing the rest of the crowed. Some were disappointed and some understood that I needed a break.

Looking for a good place 2 sit, someone caught my attention.

I couldn't tell what the person looked like under his hat, but I could tell that he felt uncomfortable here, so I decided 2 sit next 2 the person and try getting 2 know him/her.

Normally I would've picked another place 2 sit but for some reason I was drawn towards the person.

"Hello" I said as soon as I sat across from the person.


"Are u ok?" I asked the tense person only 2 get a slight nod.

I smiled thankful that the person wasn't ignoring me.

"What brought u here?" I asked quite curious.

No answer.

Thinking that he wouldn't talk anytime soon, I sighed and just looked through the crowd somehow hoping 2 find my mate.

Then out of nowhere, my eyes laid on a woman. She was beautiful but something felt off about her.
After a moment of her talking 2 others, she turned her head toward my direction.
Somehow I knew that she wasn't looking at me but the person beside me.


As soon as I was done with my run, I snuck back in.
Seeing that people were already in front of my bedroom, I headed straight 2 the ball room and sat quietly at a table with my head down low and everything covered.

Then out of nowhere, a boy came 2 sit next 2 me.
He talked a bit before just sitting their looking around.
I mean I would've talked 2 him but for whatever reason, I felt a little shy around the boy.

Then all of a sudden, the boy said out of nowhere, "do u happen 2 know a girl with bright Sky Blue eyes?"

I widened my eyes and quickly looked up seeing my sister walking very fast towards me.

"Joon-Woo!" She waved while coming even closer until finally she arrive in front of me.

If the guy next 2 me didn't know my name before, he definitely knew It now. I joked nervously

"Why are u still wearing that?" She chuckled while practically dragging me out of my seat.

"Ha-Neul." I whined

She gave another chuckle before grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the ball room.
We were headed towards my room when she asked, "why didn't u get changed?"

"2 many people by my door"

She gave another chuckle before pulling me into my room.

Everyone must be shocked 2 actually know who they were.

After all, no one dared enter the room of a so called, 'royal'. I mean unless u were a 'royal' yourself.

"Take that ridicules thing off" she said as she grabbed my tux and shoved me into my bathroom. While she did that, she also took off my cap revealing my messy hair.

She gasped then came into the bathroom with me.

"This won't do! Jump into the shower now!" She commanded.

Obeying her, I jumped right into the shower.

Afterwards, she dried my hair and helped with the finishing touches.

"There" she said satisfied. "Don't u want 2 meet your mate?"

I just shook my head


"What about that handsome boy that sat next 2 u?" She asked

"Wouldn't he have noticed?" I asked confused

She gave a a blank expression then said, "trust me, no one would have noticed that it was u"

"U noticed it tho" I pointed out

"That's because one of the people I asked told me that their was a hot guy over where u were sitting" she sighed out

"Damn" I whispered

"And on top of that, u were wearing what u wore earlier, so it wasn't hard 2 spot u"

"Come on" she said while linking arms with me.

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