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2 : mr grumpy pants

2 : mr grumpy pants

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Yoongi was hella pissed. Camp?? His summer break was supposed to be his breakthrough months. He was planning to sleep all summer, this was definitely not on his list of things to do- not that he had a lot.

To yoongi, summer camp was just day care for teenagers, and he did not have time for this.

His sister had broke the news to him at 2 am, when he was half asleep, kinda. More like she woke him up at 2 am, being full aware her brother was half asleep, and easy.

"Yoongi, Yoongi! get up Yoongi!"

"Ugh what is it Hyun-"

"Baby, I know it's 2 am but i have a question!!"


"What if I signed you up for summer camp!! I found this place called Camp Green and it seems like a fun boot camp-"

"Yeah sure, whatever. Just let me sleep."

Little did Yoongi know, he admitted himself into a mess he never wanted to join in the first place. It seems like his sister's plan had worked.

So here he was now, in front of a big ass bus, painted olive green. He let out a big sigh and grabbed his bags. The small male walked all the way to the back of the bus and plopped down on a window seat. 

He took out his phone and blasted big bang through his air pods, it was obvious he had taste!! Yoongi tried harder than ever to show that scary and dark aura around him as if he was squeezing poop out. He didn't want anyone to disturb him.

You see, dear reader, Yoongi is an introvert. He has these walls around him that prevents anyone from coming in, or going out. The male is short, but feisty. With the blonde hair and an attitude as stanky as a rat's ass, his schoolmates shivered at the mention of his name.

Apart from his bad grades and nasty attitude, he had talent. The boy is an underground rapper going by the name 'Agust D'. But of course, nobody needs to know that. His love for music is a passion, an interest. Not something to show to the world, something to brag about.

He smokes, does illegal things, and trust him, he's tried to quit. But life always throws him things he can't handle, so it only gets worse and worse. Both of his parents passed away when he was quite young, leaving both him and his sister scarred.

While his sister had tried to move on with her life, getting a stable job and education for the both of them, fixing herself up mentally and physically. Yoongi has been stuck in the past, wasting himself to drugs and alcohol.

He blames himself for the incident, but never speaks of it. No one but him and his sister really knows what went down that day, and even his sister barely remembers the details. If anything, the incident was better off as history. Yet, a certain short blonde would never let go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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