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1 : hope on the street

1 : hope on the street

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"cOmE oN bEsTie!! This could be fun you know!!!" Hoseok simply patted Namjoon's head, hoping the other would just give in. He spent years worth of his allowance for this, he won't let it go to waste.

"Yeah, sure. you can go have that fun alone. There is absolutely no way  I am stepping foot on dirty camp ground." Namjoon swatted Hoseok's hand away with an angry glare on his face. There was no way he would go to some dirty place full of strangers.

Namjoon has always been the introvert in the tiny friend group of two, while Hoseok did all the extroverting. The taller didn't find the need to socialize when he had Hoseok to talk with. That's what Best friends are for, right? Apparently not in Hoseok's eyes. The older boy just found the need to make Namjoon step out of his circle and communicate with absolute strangers. Having fun was just simply not in the introvert's dictionary and never will be.

"Babes, c'mon! Step out of your little circle for once! Who knows, maybe you'll find a hottie and you'll get married and have like- six hundred children! Let yourself breathe!!"

Namjoon held a confused face while sucking on his popsicle. "I honestly did not understand a single phrase that just came out of your mouth but okay-" Hoseok sighed and held his hands up to his hip. He thought for a moment before slapping his hands together and holding a pleading look on his face. 

"Please please please please- I promise you I'll buy you that book you've been eyeing since last year if you put through with this. Plus, I already registered us-"

The younger dropped his popsicle and stared at the other with wide eyes and jaw slacked.


Hoseok put up his arms in defeat, all he wanted was for his best friend to step out of his little molding circle for once. He didn't realize that Namjoon was way to stuck up to agree. This will be a long ass ride if he agreed.

Namjoon raised his fists to hit his best friend, not only was he done, he was so done. Hoseok put his hands up in defeat while laughing his ass off.

"Yo c'mon! this could be fun!" The bright ray of sunshine pulled Namjoon into a bone crushing hug and showed him pictures of the camp through his phone. "Seokie, i don't do fun" The taller sighed while pushing both Hoseok and the phone away from his face.

His optometrist wouldn't be happy if he continues to stare at screens for so loong, he's slowly becoming blind. Bet.

Hoseok pouted at the statement he made and latched on to the other with pleading eyes. It was only a matter of time that Namjoon would agree. What was he supposed to say, no? Yeah right. Nobody can resist Hoseok's puppy eyes. No one.

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