First day

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March 24, 1988 - Denver, Colorado
Nia's POV:

     It was an average Monday morning, the sun was up and the birds were chirping. I look up at my wall to my Michael Jackson posters like I do every morning since it's the only thing that's able to make me smile anymore. I'm currently 20 and I haven't felt that happy feeling in over 12 years since it happened.
     I finally get the courage to get out of bed and get ready for my first day of college. After taking a shower I start getting dressed. I want to look nice but all I have are jeans and baggy hoodies. I don't like anything about my body or face so I try to cover as much as I can but since I'm going to a concert right after classes I decided to put on some jeans and my favorite baggy mj shirt that I tied into a knot.  I apply some concealer under my eyes and a little under my eyebrows to clean them up. I apply my eyeliner and mascara along with some lashes. I lastly put in my grey colored contacts and head for the door with my keys in hand.
     After locking up my 2 bedroom apartment I hop into my car and take off towards the campus. While in the car I start thinking about the concert later tonight. I'm so excited I've never seen Michael live before I just hope I don't get trampled by everyone that's going to be there.
     I'm 5'1 so it's easy for people to not notice me but I'm fine with that. I don't have a lot of friends I only really have one that I tell everything to and can trust with my life. Her name is Cierra. We've been friends since the 7th grade and when I say we've been to hell and back together I really mean it. I have really bad social anxiety so I only really talk to her.
     I make it to campus and Cierra is there waiting for me.
     "Hey Nia!" She shouts from the door.

"Hey girl!" I shout back. I jog up to the door and we start heading to our first class.

"Are you excited for the concert tonight? I know I am." She says giving me a face with pure excitement.

"Of course I am I don't think I'm even going to be able to pay attention in class." I laugh

"I know me neither! We're going back to your place after to finish getting ready right?" She asks

"Yeah for sure I'll have to touch up my makeup but I'm already dressed." I reply

"You can't go to the concert like that! What if he sees you, we have to look our best although I do love that shirt." She looks me up and down examining my outfit.

"You know I don't have anything nicer than this I don't even have the body to pull anything off." I whispered the last part looking down at me feet hoping she didn't hear me but of course she did.

"If you say one more thing about your body in a bad way imma have to slap you I swear you are the prettiest person I know I just wish you could see it for yourself." She looks at me with genuine care "And why do you always wear those colored contacts your eyes are pretty the way they are." She says looking at my eyes.

"You know why I hide them everyone knows you can see the pain through someone's eyes and everybody doesn't need to know my life story." I look back down to escape her eyes so she would stop talking about it and lucky she gets the hint and changes the topic.

"Anyways you can wear one of my dresses you're lucky we are practically the same size." We both laugh at her statement

     We reach my first class and we part ways so she can go to her first class. I walk through the door and all eyes are on me since I'm late. I get uncomfortable and quickly take a seat in the far back. During the entire class I wasn't able to pay attention even if it were to save my life I just couldn't stop thinking about the concert.
   The guy next to me starts looking at me and it snaps me back to reality. Please don't talk to me please don't talk to me I beg to myself.

"Hey I'm Ezekiel but you can call me Zeke." He says looking me dead in the eyes. FUCK I think to myself not wanting anything to do with talking to people.

"Um h-hi I'm Nia" I reply awkwardly while mentally face palming myself.

"You don't talk much do you?" He asks me with a smile. Why the hell is he smiling at me it just makes me feel more uncomfortable than I already am.

"N-not really I d-don't really like to." I stutter a bit. Why can't I stop stuttering!? Ughhh I just wish I could be normal for once.

"QUITE IN THE BACK THIS IS A CLASS!" The professor shouts at us and that makes us both look forward ending our conversation thank God.

     Class ends and I start walking towards Cierras class. She was just walking out the door when I reached her class. It wasn't far from mine maybe about 10 doors down. Thank God the rest of our class are together I don't know what I would do without her she always blocks people from talking to me and hopefully Zeke doesn't try talking to me again. There's nothing wrong with him in fact he was really attractive. He had short dark brown hair with hazel green eyes. His skin was a Carmel color and his lips looked really soft. He had a chiseled jaw line. I have a thing for jaw lines but too bad my weird ass self can't be normal for at least a day.
     The rest of the day went by pretty fast I like all my classes so far I'm never really picky when it comes to school I just do what I gotta do when it's due. Cierra and I start walking towards our cars just excited for the day to be done.

"I'll meet you at your house and than we can take your car to the concert?" She said the last part more like a question.

"Yeah that sounds good. Love you see you in a bit." I hug her and get inside my car and drive off to my apartment.


Hey guys this is the first chapter to my first fanfic I'm not the best writer but I had this idea for a book and I'm really excited to write it. If you guys have any advice on how to improve my writing I would really appreciate it thank you😊❤️

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