10. He Came Back

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|Gerards POV|

I pull my bag out of the back of my car and quickly start up the stairs to her apartment. I pull out the spare key and unlock the door, stepping inside and quietly locking it back. Maybe she isn't asleep just yet? I carefully open her bedroom door to find her fast asleep, bundled up in her mismatched blankets. The World Is Ugly plays quietly from her speaker and I smile, setting my bag by the door and quietly singing along as I pull my pajamas from my bag and step into the bathroom.

I'm still humming along while I brush my teeth and I hear movement from her room. As I finish, I look up to see her standing by the cracked door, "Gee?" She whispers, carefully pushing the door open. "Hey baby," I say gently as she steps over to me I quickly pull on my shirt and she rubs her eyes. "What is it?" I ask and she wraps her arms around my waist "I missed you..." she yawns lightly and I smile "I missed you too, how about we go get some sleep now?" I ask and she nods, yawning once more. I chuckle, she's to cute... she stumbles out of the bathroom and I step over to her, "c'mere Sugar..." I laugh quietly and pick her up so she doesn't fall and carry her back to her room.

I set her back in her bed and lay down beside her, pulling the blankets over both of us. Before I have the chance to move myself closer to her, she moves her body closer to mine, curling up to my chest. I kiss the top of her head and smile "Night Y/N..." I say quietly and she let's out a tired hum in response. I wrap my arms tighter around her waist and allow myself to fall asleep.


I wake up to bright sunlight shining through the curtains and roll over, hiding my face. I hear a small sigh as I move and a pair of arms tightening themselves around my waist. I open my eyes and look up to see a sleeping Gerard, I smile and reach up, gently tucking back a stray strand of hair. He came back... I feel happy tears gently build in the edge of my eyes and I shuffle closer to him, not even realizing the tears actually falling down my face and soaking through his shirt.

He moves a little and I feel his arms move from my waist and reach up to rub his eyes. "Y/N? Sugar are you crying?" He asks gently, concern laced in his tired voice. I sniffle as he sits up, lifting me onto his lap as he does so. I smile and he carefully holds my waist "what's wrong baby?" He asks, gently rubbing my hip to comfort me and I shake my head slowly "n-nothings wrong.." I say quietly and look away. "Honey, you were crying..." he says, gently lifting my face up to look at him. We lock eyes and I smile through the tears still slowly falling down my face, "I-it's just, you actually came back..." I say quietly and he smiles, tucking a stray strand of hair back and smiling, "of course, I can't just leave you here by yourself, especially when you ask me to come back..." he gently strokes my cheek, wiping away my tears. "So are these happy tears or do I need to find some way to make them stop?" He asks, running a hand through my hair.

I bury my face into his neck, "happy tears..." I say quietly and he chuckles, "good." He gently pulls me from his neck and presses his lips to my forehead, "I cant have you being all sad when I'm supposed to be keeping you happy," he smiles, causing a wide smile to take over my face as well. I reach up and start playing with his hair and he sighs as I gently run my fingers through the long red strands.

He leans back against the head board and his eyes flutter shut. I move a little farther on his lap so I can reach easier and he rests his hands gently on my waist. I tilt my head, pulling my hands from his hair and resting them on his cheeks for a second, before running them down his neck. His breathing hitches lightly as my fingers brush across his neck, before resting on his chest. "What are you doin' Sugar?" He asks gently and I lean closer to him, pressing my lips to his. He smirks against my lips, before moving his lips in sync with mine. We fit together like a perfect puzzle... but I guess that's how soulmates work.

He pulls his lips from mine and gazes into my eyes, seeming lost. "Gee?" I ask quietly and he hums, continuing to stare into my eyes, "I..." I look away and he gently places a hand on my cheek, resting it there. "What is it baby?" He asks gently and I look back at him "I-I love you..." I say quietly and look down at my hands, which now rest in my lap. He grips my chin between his index finger and thumb, gently lifting my face back up to look at him. "Y/N..." I stay silent, looking into his eyes for any hint of what he's thinking. I shouldn't of said it... that was stupid, what's wrong with me? "I-I'm sorry... I j-just..." I start to move off his lap and he places his hands firmly on my waist, holding me in place "I love you too baby..." he says quietly, leaning forward to press his lips against mine. I instantly find myself melting into his touch and he breaks the kiss quicker than I would like, but I see not point in complaining. He gently kisses my cheek and jaw, pulling back and smiling at me as he runs his fingers through my hair.

"I love you so much Sugar..." he rests his forehead against mine and I wrap my arms around his neck. "I love you too Gee..." he pulls away and buries his face in my neck, we sit there for a while, just holding eachother like it would be the last time we did...


I feel like this could've been better, but its just a sort of filler chapter...

Next chapter stuff will actually happen :)

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