Chapter One: My Son

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A/N: Before anyone says a thing, this story was made by me. While yes, there is a copy of it on the account ghostofKirito22, I owned the account before unofficially closing it. If you want to know how, go to said account and look at the description then go to the account titled, ghostofIzukuMidoriya. Thank you.

Rinko Koujiro couldn't believe her eyes. The email that she has just finished reading for what could be the tenth time, was from her former lover and the father of her missing son, Kayaba Akihiko.

"H-He..." Rinko couldn't finish the sentence as she placed a hand over her mouth as a tear rolled down her cheeks. "I-I... He a-actually... found our... son?"

Rinko could feel her eyes begin to water as she felt something maternal rise up in her. She then placed her hands on her face, covering her eyes, and began to sob silently as years of sadness of having no idea where her only child was came out in that instant.

"Kenshi," Rinko muttered as her tears began to fall onto her keyboard. "My sochi."

Rinko then dried her tears and gained a determined look in her eyes. Before she furiously typed on her laptop's keyboard. Hours later, she found what she was looking for. The profiles of players from SAO, which were given to her by Kayaba, and adoption records from 17 years prior.

After a few hours of searching, Rinko gathered all she could and then called for a moving truck. After that, she purchased a house in Japan from her room and then went to sleep with a smile on her face.

A few days later

After a few days have passed, Rinko decides that it was time to schedule a meeting with Detective Kikuoka Seijiro at a local coffee shop. She walked into the coffee shop and walked over to a table where the Detective was sitting.

"Hello Kikuoka," Rinko greeted as she sat down in a chair across from him.

"Ms. Koujiro," Kikuoka replied with a smile. "May I ask why you asked to meet with me?"

"My son," Rinko told him as she brought out some papers. "I must speak with him. Or at the very least, must know that he is my son."

"I didn't know you had a son," Kikuoka said, surprise lacing his tone of voice. "What's his name?"

"His birth name is Kenshi," Rinko replied, before handing him the papers. "I don't know his name in his new family, but his screen name is something that you should know."

When Kikuoka looked through the papers, his eyes widened as he came across the adoption papers.

"Kazuto?" he asked the woman in front of him, his eyes wide in surprise. "Kazuto Kirigaya aka Kirito, is your son?"

Rinko nodded slowly.

"He was kidnapped from the hospital just days after his birth," Rinko told him. "I thought that he was dead until I got an email from Kayaba."

"I'm guessing that Kayaba is the father?" Kikuoka asked her.

"Yes," Rinko replied, before Kikuoka started laughing. "Why are you laughing Kikuoka? Is a mother being concerned about her child funny in any way?"

"It's not that, Rinko," Kikuoka giggled as he calmed down. "What's funny is that my team calls Kirito 'The Prince of the Virtual World.' I'm honestly thinking of hiring him when he gets out of college."

Rinko felt a swell of pride for her son's accomplishments in the virtual world.

"Is my son alright?" She asked the detective in front of her.

Kikuoka nodded.

"His adoptive parents died in a car accident some time ago," Kikuoka told her as she felt her heart break at the thought of the people who helped her child had died. "After that he was then taken to his adoptive mother's sister Midori Kirigaya."

"Anything I should know before..." Rinko trails off.

"Before you meet him?" Kikuoka asked the woman in front of him.

Rinko nodded slowly.

"Kirito started the game on November 6, 2022," Kikuoka began after a long pause. "At first, he was a player that was naive and arrogant. After a traumatic event though, he changed his ways and tried to open himself up to others. By doing that, he made a lot of friends and a lot of close allies. He also married a wonderful girl and has their own adopted child. Not long after, he set everyone free when he killed General Heathcliff. Around two months later, was when he started ALO, but unfortunately, he was a bit lost but made it through the game. He traveled to Alfheim with his sister to find a way to the top of the world tree. He found a way and he persevered. He was able to find his girlfriend and killed the man who was behind it. She is now free thanks to Kirito."

Rinko smiled softly, but her eyes narrowed when Kikuoka mentioned Heathcliff, or Kayaba's, death.

"I do not believe Kayaba is dead," Rinko informed him. "I got an email not too long ago about him finding my son."

"How?" Kikuoka asked her. "Kirito killed him with the weapon Lambient Light."

"He most likely saved his own mind in a server somewhere," Rinko told him. "That way he could keep an eye on Ken... On Kazuto in his own way." She hoped that Kikuoka wouldn't hear that near slip-up.

Kikuoka narrowed his eyes as he thought of this.

"I see," Kikuoka stated. "Thank you."

"How can I get into contact with my son?" Rinko asked suddenly.

"Friend me on Alfheim and then I'll take you to him," Kikuoka told her.

"Thank you," Rinko said as she got up. "I am sorry. But I must go. I have a job interview at a local school and-"

"No need," Kikuoka told her with a small smile. "I understand. Allow me to take you to the school."

"No thanks," Rinko replied. "I can take myself there."

"Very well," Kikuoka said. "It was nice talking to you Ms. Koujiro."

He handed her the papers back and Rinko took them.

"Likewise," she replied, before she walked out of the coffee shop and towards her car. When Rinko got in her car, she placed her hand on the center of her chest and smiled softly.

'My sochi,' she thought in happiness. 'After all this time... I can finally meet you.'

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