Chapter Two: Story of a Mother and Father

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After a long day at school, Kirito was free for the rest of the day. He was excited to dash home to play some more ALO. He ran past his classmates, then crossed the street while looking twice, he ran up the street, took a hard right, and he was home. He threw the door open, kicked his shoes off, ran up the stairs, and into his bedroom. Slammed his bedroom door shut, jumped on his bed, and put on his VR headset.

"Link, Start!" Kirito shouted.

A spectrum of colors dashed passed his field of vision and he was at the saving point he remembered last. It was a pub in the spriggan territory, the decor was dated, and it smelled of stale beer. That didn't faze him, he was curious if Leafa was playing right now. He dashed out of the bar and looked around.

"I don't see her anywhere," Kirito observed, "Guess I'll see if there's any side quests that I can do to gain XP and some new items."

Kirito walked over to the signpost in the town square. He scanned the quests for a quest that'll give him the most XP and the most new items.

He heard a voice say, "Choose the side quest with the Spriggan King."

Kirito was confused with what was just said to him in his head.

"Huh, what?" Kirito asked, "Well, I think I'll just choose that side quest."

The side quest involved rescuing a Spriggan noble in Undine territory and returning him to the King. The XP was a high number and the items were all ones that Kirito has been looking for days now. Kirito adjusted his compass to the side quest and was on his way. He jumped high in the air and followed the compass' way.

Kirito exclaimed, "This'll be fun! I'm looking to level myself up anyway!"

Kirito went on to do a spiral and accelerated to the land of the Undine. He was still figuring out how to descend without any flaws. He loosened the tension on his wings and he slowly descended. Little by little, he released the tension in his wings. He safely landed in the Land of the Undine.

"What a relief," Kirito remarked, "I thought I would've face planted. Now where's that quest?"

He looked down to the compass on his wrist. It pointed north and it showed the distance between him and the site of the sidequest.

"It's not that far," Kirito stated, "I can just close the distance on foot."

Kirito ran to the direction of the side quest, the wind was blowing in his hair and the air smelled fresh. As he was getting closer, he noticed two Undine soldiers with longswords and what seemed to be a Spriggan hung to a tree by his hands. He moved even faster towards them and pulled out his swords.

"You better leave him alone!" Kirito yelled.

The Undine soldiers looked towards his direction and charged him. Kirito took a slash to the front with the first one, jumped into the air and then slashed him in the back. He crossed his swords and then dashed towards the second. By the time he looked back, they had disappeared into data.

"That was easy!" Kirito affirmed.

He climbed the tree to the branch where the rope was tied. He slowly, little by little, pulled the rope towards his direction. It started to get heavier, but Kirito managed to pull the Spriggan to the branch. The Spriggan had a face covered in bruises, his wrists were purple because of how tight the rope was tied around his hands, and he was unconscious.

"Hey," Kirito whispered,"Are you a noble from the Spriggan tribe?"

He didn't hear a response. He placed his ear towards his chest and his heartbeat was very faint. He searched through his inventory for an item that could heal all injuries. He found what he was looking for, a potion that can heal any and every injury. Pouring the potion, he made sure to get it into his mouth.

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