Chapter Three: Family Time - Mother and Son

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As Kazuto walked to the principal's office, he could hear his classmates whispering to each other.

"Is he getting expelled?" he heard one ask.

"What about the PDA between him and Yuuki," a girl remarked.

"Most likely." another agreed.

He rolled his eyes and he arrived at the principal's office a few minutes later.

"Ah Kazuto," the Principal began. "Detective Kikuoka and Ms. Koujiro asked to meet with you."

"May we speak with him alone?" Kikuoka asked the Principal. "This is a private matter."

"Of course," the Principal replied. "Would you like an empty classroom to speak in?"

Kikuoka nodded and the Principal walked them to an empty classroom. When they entered, the Principal stated, "I will be waiting in my office if you need anything else." before she left the room, leaving the three alone.

Rinko took a shaky breath and asked, "A-Are you ready, Kazuto?"

Kazuto nodded, "Yeah."

Kikuoka handed Kazuto an envelope and explained, "Here are the results of the DNA test. We have not seen the results, as Rinko wanted to see them with you."

Kazuto nodded and opened up the envelope and looked at Rinko with wide eyes. He dropped the paper and Rinko picked it up before she smiled and her eyes began to tear up.

Kikuoka smiled at the two of them and said, "I'll give you two some time to yourselves."

"Kazuto, What do you think?" Rinko asked.

"I'm speechless," Kazuto began, "I never thought that I would actually be able to find out that you're my mother."

Rinko opened her arms and wrapped her around her son. She was so happy that she finally got confirmation that Kazuto is her own son.

Rinko thought, 'I will never let you out of my sight ever again.'

"Um, Rinko?" Kazuto asked shyly, "You can let go now, you're squeezing me."

"Right, sorry." Rinko apologized.

Rinko let go and Kazuto let out a breath of air.

Kazuto replied, "It's fine, but it's nice to know that you're my Mom."

"I love you so much, Kazuto!" Rinko cried.

"Um," Kazuto muttered, "Love you too."

Tears fell down from Rinko's face, she was overwhelmed that her own son said that she loved her.

"It's ok," Kazuto comforted, "I just said that I love you."

"This means so much to me that you'd say it!" Rinko exclaimed.

Kazuto nodded and wrapped his arms around Rinko in an attempt to make her feel better.

'What an emotional woman,' Kirito thought, 'Yet somehow I'm related to her.'

Rinko softly cried into his chest and it was like that for a few minutes until her tears stopped.

"It's ok now," Kazuto began, "but I have to go back to class."

"Right," Rinko agreed, "I'll see you after school!"

Kazuto waved and left the empty classroom. He went down the hall and up the stairs to the left. He was at his next class, he opened the door.

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