Chapter 6.

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"Man, it feels so good to be out of the B.R.B.!" Firey said, looking at the sky. "You're lucky you didn't have to go in there. It was a nightmare!" He turned his head to Leafy.

"Yeah, from the scream it did sound like it was scary." Leafy looked at Firey back. Just ask him! Just do it Leafy! You've held his hand, he walked with you to the B.R.B. when he had to go back, and so many other things! I feel like it's so obvious! Leafy looked away from Firey and at the ground in front of her.

"You ok?" Firey looked at Leafy.

"H-hey Firey? U-uhm.." Leafy's voice trailed off. Just say it Leafy just say it!!!

"Yeah?" Firey looked confused.

N-no, I can't, I just can't I'll have to think of something else... Leafy thought for a moment. "Um, by chance do you happen to have a Yoyle berry with you?"

"Uh, no? Why?" Firey was really confused at this point.

"O-oh um, uh, I just uh, I uh, I forgot why I needed one, heheh..." Leafy looked at Firey anxiously.

Firey gave her a confused look, but decided to ignore it, and he looked around. Wait... I remember Taco saying... The best place to ask someone out is probably when you're all alone with them. Well, I'm alone with Leafy right now.. Sh-should..? N-no! I can't, I just can't! But I can! But I can't, but- You know what? Forget it. I'm gonna tell her.

"Firey, you ok?" Leafy was now the confused one.

"Leafy.." Firey started. "So, we've been friends for a now while, right? Well, A couple months back, that friendship..." Firey looked at Leafy's eyes, she looked nervous.

Oh no, does he not like me!? D-does he not wanna be friends!? Leafy looked at Firey, about to cry.

"Th-that friendship, it started to, to, change. I just, I want to make that friendship more than just friendship. I- I- Leafy..." Firey started to shake. "Leafy will you go out with me!?" Firey blurted out

 "Leafy will you go out with me!?" Firey blurted out

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There was a long silence.

Oh no, what did I do!? I probably just ruined our ENTIRE friendship! Why did I say that!? Why do I have to make so many bad decisions!?

"I-I" Leafy started. "F-Firey, I... I've felt the same way too.." Leafy and Firey looked at each other in disbelief. Then Firey started to smile, and he grabbed Leafy's hand.

"D-does this mean..?" Firey started to say. There was silence.

"I-I mean, only if you'd like to." Leafy smiled at Firey.

"Sure, as long as your comfortable with it."

"I am." They both had big smiles on their faces.

"W-we should stop, before someone sees us." Firey said, noticing Taco walking around.

"Yeah, but we're gonna have to tell them eventually..." Leafy said. There was a pause. Firey let go of Leafy's hand quickly, as Taco was walking over to them.

"Hey Firey,  hey Leafy! What are you doing?" She asked, sitting down next to them.

"O-oh, w-well, um.." Firey was panicking. He had asked Taco a few months ago, W-well, let me ask you this question. What would you do if you, um, liked someone. Y'know, in that sort of way. But, they were your best friend. What would you do? Or, how would you tell them?  The words started rushing back into Firey's mind.

"We were just hanging out!" Leafy said, giving a disapproving glance to Firey. But, Firey could see that Leafy was holding back a laugh.

"Nice, can I join you?" Taco asked, kind of confused, but ignoring it.

"Sure!" Firey replied. 

For the next few hours, the others talked and laughed, Firey feeling happy Leafy didn't have to go into the B.R.B. They were all happy at the end of the day, except Firey. Because something happened while they were talking...

"Hey Firey, how come you've been rather gloomy while in the B.R.B?" Taco asked. Leafy had left, because she wanted to check up on X.

"O-oh, um.." Firey blushed a little. "I'll tell you tomorrow." Then, he realized the mistake he had made. He was already going to tell Taco, without Leafy even knowing. He started to panic again. Today had gone to the best day ever, to the worst day ever. Or so Firey thought. Little did he know that the days could get worse...

Thoughts. A Fireafy story, Book 1. (My AU)Where stories live. Discover now